[20] The Team

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I have no idea how this chapter is going to end up but I need to write it before I get on to the part I've been looking forward to so...



I woke up in cold sweats. Dreams of Ta- that place had been becoming more frequent since I came home.

It was strange, things had been fine at Camp, the odd nightmare here and there, every few nights. It was still effecting me, but not enough that I was properly concerned.

Then I came home. I seemed to be having nightmares of that place every night. It scared me, like something bad was coming.

Maybe I'm just overtired.

I know exactly what I need to calm down.

I'm just not sure I'm ready to go back to the mountain and find him.


Wally West was sat on the couch in the living area of the Mount Justice, begging Connor to put on anything other than static.

After another failed attempt, Wally flopped back onto the couch. Despite there being many more members of Young Justice then when the team started, Connor was somehow always in charge of the TV.

Wally groaned, He would give anything to see his Boy Wonderful right now! Though the 'Boy Wonderful' nickname didn't really work anymore due to Dick's change in Superhero Persona, Wally couldn't pass up on the chance to call the demigod that, even if the little Demon was technically 'Boy Wonder'. 

But nicknames matter right now. What did matter was that he'd basically just sent his boyfriend of to war, not to mention into the most dangerous place a demigod could go, Europe (Wally ignored that Dick was technically from Europe, because that also didn't matter right now). Wally had no idea if he was still alive and it was eating away at him.

Just as Wally was about to give up and just go home, he heard the sound of the Zeta-Tube firing up, Wally, along with the rest of the team, assumed it was Batman with a mission and headed to the Zeta Tubes.

Only, along the way, the robotic voice called out,

Nightwing, B-01

Wally grinned and sped into the room, not stopping when he arrived, instead he barrelled straight into the very shocked demigod.

"Hey," He said.


Uhhh, this chapter is not even 400 words but I'm going on my DofE expedition tomorrow so I need sleep. This chapter was genuinely meant to be longer but I honestly can't be bothered right now,

No updates for the next couple of days because I'll be camping. I'll try to get something written soon.

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