Chapter 12

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"Do you think it's really possible to bring someone back?" Harumi asked as Lloyd instructed her to keep a small skiff steady. They found an abandoned boat. The strangest part, there was a second map. So Lloyd decided to follow it's markings.

"I've seen a lot of things in my lifetime." Lloyd replied. Then he paused for a thought. So many instances where he was so close to death so the idea of rebounding off of it? From personal experience...
"It could happen." Lloyd finished his sentence.

"Does any part of you want to see your father again?" Harumi asked. Lloyd leaned on the edge of the wooden boat. Now he really had to think. He almost looked back before continuing his gaze onto the muddy water.
"Well... A little." Lloyd said.
"More to the right." He pointed. Harumi shifted the wheel.
"I would do anything to see my parents again." Harumi said.
"I don't blame you." Lloyd said.
"But if they bring my father back, the thing that scares me the most is..."

"He won't be the man you recognized?" Harumi asked. From the corner of her eye, she saw Lloyd nod. Or maybe he was just ducking underneath a large leaf.
"He wasn't the greatest villain." Harumi said. Lloyd's head dropped as he laughed. Then he turned towards Harumi.

"Oh, no?" Lloyd asked, a hint of smugness in his voice.
"You probably grew up thinking it's the Devourer." He said. Harumi's shoulders shrugged.
"Don't tell me. Pythor." Lloyd pointed.
"No. It's the one you never even knew was there in the first place, the one that gets away." Harumi said. Lloyd's playful manurism disappeared in an instant.

"The Quiet One."

. . .

Nya shook her head as if she was trying to wake herself up. Pixal was in equal disbelief but she didn't show it.
"So he likes tea and he went through a growth spurt." Nya pointed at the child walking around a desteoyed Bounty's deck.
"That doesn't mean he's Wu."

"Master..." The kid sipped his tea.

Pix and Zane shared a look. Nya's face seemed to be paralyzed.

"What's happening?" Morro walked up behind them and in a rush, Nya pushed Morro by his shoulders to sit down on the nearest first step of the stairs.
"Hello?" Morro asked, looking at Nya and the others.

"Morro." Nya said. She slowly raised her head up to look at him.
"That is my name." Morro said.
"We found your father." Nya said. Morro's eyes narrowed for a split second as he looked to the guys. They all gave different looks.
"He's right there." Nya stepped aside, revealing the baby with his tea cup.
"Morro!" The baby exclaimed.

Morro's expression just turned into pure confusion.
"What the fu--" Nya threw her hand over Morro's mouth.
"So." Nya said.
"I mean. It's not the stupidest thing that's happened." She slowly lowered her hand.
"Where is the tallest tree in this forest?" Morro pushed himself up.
"But!" Kai ran forwards and pushed Morro back down to his seat.

"I have a theory. It's the reversal blade's fault." Kai pointed his finger and paced side to side.
"Befote he sent me and my sister back to the present, Master Wu got hit with the reversal blade, right?" Kai said.
"Because I remember that." Morro said in a very flat tone.
"Right! So the reversal blade pushed Wu's age backwards and turned him into a kid!" Kai pointed.

Wu reached for the teapot on the table. Pixal held it away from him.
"Then perhaps, once the effects of the blade stop, he should be aging more rapidly. Zane said.
"And that's why he's walking." Jay nodded.

Everyone just looked to Morro who had his hands over his face.
"I would rather go back to fighting..." Morro started.
"...A random army of stone people but no!" He shouted, standing up and pacing around.
"My father is a child!" Morro shouted.
"I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life." Morro kept repeating as he walked into the bridge.

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