Chapter 16

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"Listen, Lloyd. You can't expect to hand over the Mask and everything happens after that. You can't stay away, they have your mother. But I have a plan. Here's what you're going to do. Write it down."

Lloyd's eyes widened. He reached for a paper and pen and he started to scribble down everything he heard ring through the link.

"Our best bet is to take all the Masks when they're vulnerable. It's a close shot, but it should work. You'll come to make the exchange, and that's where everyone else comes in."

Lloyd noted down the rest of what he was told. And he turned to the Mask. He grabbed it and rushed out of the Temple of Airjitzu.

"Cole!" Zane exclaimed. Cole paused his parenting and turned around. The door, open. The Mask, gone. Lloyd, nowhere to be seen.


As the boys looked over the edge, Nya noticed a paper where Lloyd was sitting.
"Guys? I think we now have a plan." She said, showing the paper to the others.

And what happened next was simple. Morro told Lloyd his plan and Lloyd wrote it down.

Nya and Cole would enter by the water, Jay and Kai to the main entrance and Zane on the rooftops.

"And then notify the police about the attack." Nya read as they prepared their vehicles.

"I'm on it." Pixal said through the comms. She was also in charge of staying back to act as eyes as well as take care of Wu.

The Ninja were two blocks away from the palace. Cole and Nya jumped into their water jet as Jay and Kai prepared their own route to sneak in. As for Zane, all he needed to do was prepare his black bow and arrow. We weren't too comfortable with a bow yet, but it will suffice.

"See you on the inside." Kai saluted.
"Of course." Zane nodded, throwing his hood on and jumping onto the rooftops, ready to start his move in.

"Got his staff?" Kai asked. Nya raised the retracted weapon.
"As Morro wanted." She said.

"Stay safe you two, and stay out of sight." Nya said before closing the lid of the water jet. Cole made a face at the boys outside.

"Is there ever doubt?" Jay asked, looking at Kai. They shared a snicker before they rushed off.

Nya piloted while Cole waited back.
"Here we go." She said.
"Lights off, time for stealth." Cole added, rolling up his nonexistent sleeves.

Jay and Kai rushed to the sides of the burned gates. Zane jumped over head and made it without being sighted.

There were two guards at the front. Kai took the first and covered his mouth, making the other turn his head to see what was going on. Then Jay knocked out the distracted one as Kai knocked out the one in his hold after.
"Easy." Jay said. The two went on.

After more takedowns, possibly some sneaking past, only some– Jay and Kai made it to their waiting spot.

"Everyone in position?" Jay asked.


"Yep. Just under Misako and Lloyd."

"Alright…. Kai. Give me your sword." Jay said.
"Huh?" Kai asked.
"Imma hit the thing." Jay said. Kai unsheathed his sword and handed it to Jay. The Blue Ninja held it like a javelin, ready to throw.
"It's getting bad out there, throw it now!" Kai silently exclaimed.

Zane took the increasing worry as his signal to shoot his arrow. He released his two fingers and let the arrow fly. His aim was good enough to just hit the side of the Mask of Vengeance.

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