|Chapter Two|

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"The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones
The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon"


I saw my life falling apart, again. After 2 years of running away from him, leaving my every aspect of living, I ended up so drastically, falling back in his palms.

I put whatever I can in my suitcase. But I don't know why I am wasting time in packing I should run. My limbs are shaking terribly. "Oh please, not now! Please!"

I gushed to myself, falling on my knees. I can feel my panic attacks, incoming. Crashing on my floor. Breathing heavily, with my blurry vision. Tears dripping down my nose's bridge.

I can hear my heartbeat sinking by every second passing. My body isn't moving. The needle of my watch on my wrist, kept on ticking with every second depleting.

"God! Help me please!" I gasped for air, turning towards the ceiling. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the train of tears, slide down by my temples.

I think this is how I'll die. My all karma coming back to me. I can see my life flashing in front of my eyes. It's alright, to be honest. Much better than dying on his bed, in his house, killed by him.

It will end everything. All my sufferings. Sufferings of my dearest.

But I think, God, doesn't want to spare me from my living hell.

I felt my breathe getting normal. The second hand on my watch was more audible now. I wanted to stay like this more, but it was no time for resting.

Gathering everything in me, I stood up again, holding onto my furniture. I am still dazed, my steps are wobbly and my body is paining with the sudden fall on the ground. My tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I am going to die. If not today, sure in the days nearby."

But today i have to run away. I can't give up. Grabbing my money and keys, I walked towards the door. And suddenly, I heard something.

Something, I don't want to hear. It was midnight, making every inaudible sound piercing in my ears. The screeching sounds of cars, being parked.

"He's here." Reaching towards my window, I saw a line of cars, as black as the night sky, standing one after the other. My cries escaped my parched throat. I wanted to cry out but I can't.

My hand covered my mouth, stepping away from the window, when I saw, him coming out of his car. "He's himself here to get me!"

I slumped on my couch, hugging my knees. I don't want to live with him, again.

A knock was heard on my door. I gasped, clutching over my chest. A shiver ran down my spine, when another knock hit the door. Tears aren't stopping, my soul is leaving my body, blood froze in my body.

Then a voice; "Y/n?" I stumbled over my feet, falling on my butt, as a whimper left my mouth. His voice was as cold as always. "Y/n? I know you're inside. Open the door. Look, you sure don't want your neighbors to disturb, right?.."

"...so, be a good girl, and open the door."

I shook my head vigorously, even though, knowing he wasn't able to see me. I tried to move my body, but I didn't move an inch. I was froze on the spot.

"Y/n, it won't take me a minute to break this fucking door, but I am still asking you to come out on your own, otherwise, if I walked in you're coming out my way."

I turned my lights off, bolting the door, and hid myself in my closet. My cries muffled, behind my palm. It was getting so blurry, that I wasn't able to see around me, either.

"Y/n, let's go home. I miss you, baby. Come home." I hiccuped, choking on my tears. I covered my ears with my hands. So hard, to stop his voice from entering my eardrums.

He is lying.

He is a liar.

He always lies.

He doesn't miss me. He never loved me. He says but he doesn't. All the time!

And all of a sudden. A pin drop silence spread. I removed my hands, trying to hear anything. When I heard a large bang, shaking my entire existence. He was breaking in.

Another harsh bang. It was harsher than the previous one. At this intensity, the door will collapse any moment.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I heard my neighbor's voice. I wanted her to go back in her apartment, she didn't know who she was meddling with. My heartbeat increased, as I rushed out of the closet, to save my neighbor.

But before that I can, I heard a gunshot.

My steps halted. Steadily stepping towards the entrance, I took a peep through the peek hole. A gasp left my lips, which I immediately covered, with my palm.

The neighbor was shot dead, on the floor, pierced through the heart. My heart clenched, she died because of me. I whimpered, putting my head against the door. "Why in the world, God? Why?"

Then a large, loud, violent thud. I jolted away from the door, a shiver climbing up my spine.

"Y/n!... I am...telling you...to open...the goddamn door!" I heard him snarling with every violent hit, from the other side of the door.

"Go away! Rin! Or I am calling the cops."
I threatened him, but, unfortunately I don't have a phone. Only because of him, otherwise he would have traced me down long back. 

With rush of adrenaline in my body, I ran back to my room, locking the door, and hid in the closet. I closed my eyes, hiding my face in my arms.

And then, a large bang.

I heard the door, crashing on the floor. Now, he is in. He's in my house. I can hear his footsteps echoing in the hall, in search of me. "Honey, I am home." His voice was so chilling.

"Y/n? You want to play, hide and seek? Alright, doll. Let's do it." He chortled, walking around.

The footsteps were distancing and then again nearing. I swear my heartbeat was varying with that. I just hope he doesn't find me.

Just when, I heard him, ascending towards the door, and the door opened. I gulped hard struggling to breath.

Please! Please! God, I beg you!

I joined my hands, praying to not to see him. But then the closet door flew open. I met with his blue orbs, staring down at me, with a gun in his one hand, while other held the door.

"Found ya!" He mused, kneeling in front of me. A sob left my mouth, when I saw him. "Please! Please! Let me go! Please!"

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, lifting my chin up. "No! Doll, don't be sorry. I forgive you." His voice was so dark and intimidating. I was able to hear the irritation in his voice.

He cupped my face, wiping my tears with his thumbs. The cold, hard metal touching my chin. I looked at the gun, with horror in my eyes. He brought the gun in front of him, giving a low, chuckle.

"This? You know I use to have this, don't you?" I looked in his eyes with fear and self-loathing. "..but don't worry, doll. This isn't for you." And put the gun down on the floor.

"This is for you." His hand, moved in the back of his jeans, and I saw a syringe with something else. He shot up the injection with the fluid. "This might hurt a little, but don't worry." He uttered, putting the gun, in his back, nearing me.

"No!" I pushed him away from me, running past him, but before I could pick up the pace, I saw some people already, standing in front of my entrance, in black outfit.

There was nowhere to go. Just when I felt something, sharp sinking in my nape, and a hand grabbed my shoulder. "Sleep for now, doll. You'll wake up in heaven."

My eyes started getting drowsy. I tried so hard to control my senses, but every thing went blur and then black.


JW. writes- I've never written anything dark before, neither in the first person pov. I don't know if you'll like it or not.

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