Part 3 - Punishment

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The whole day Virat stayed in his room ignoring Bhabani's plea to open the door. He didn't bother to answer her back also. He only answered Ekta's quarry about his well-being. The next day morning Virat got a call from Nita that everything was ready as he wanted and he became ready to face Mrs. Bhabani Chavan.

After some time he walked steadily from his room and went to Bhabani's room. As soon as she saw him there she tried to rush to him but he stopped her midway with a gesture of his hand. She was hell shocked by her son's behavior. He said "stay there we need to talk. Can you please answer me why you scoop so low in my eyes to separate me and Sai? Why you wanted to separate us?"

Bhabani hold the table beside her as Virat's voice and gaze told her that he knew something she wanted to hide from him he might be coming to know about her involvement and plays but she had to do those to ensure that he remained her and only her. She strummed "I... I did nothing? She was not good"

Virat couldn't hold his temper and for the first time shouted to his mother "Never!! Never ever utter a single bad word for her again. your all innocent drama is over every naked truth came in front of my eyes. I was blinded by your love and my trust for you which you misused. I had an image of my mother as a kind soft hearted woman but you killed that for me. I never thought that my mother can be so much cruel, plotting against me and oblivious to my pain."

Bhabani understood that she lost her son's respect and trust. His one word caught her attention and she repeated "oblivious to your pain?"

Virat turned towards her with anger and hurt in his eyes "yes, did you know how much I suffered the last 3 months without Sai? that  I cry every night? Every day I tried to forget myself and tried to keep myself busy at work. How I faced a million deaths when I had to cause pain to her and remember her teary eyes? How did I burn in guilt? You were the person who gave her parents the idea of her marriage. Right? And your wishes are fulfilled. Do you have the slightest idea how it feel to me when I saw her with someone else? Do you know that I became unconscious in pain when I saw her partition filled with vermillion of someone else's name? do you know what I went through the last 1 day and the previous night when I came to know I lost her for this life?? do you know what you gave me? Lifelong loneliness, sad dark, hopeless life, death wish, and lifeless life like a living dead. Did you think that? No, you never bothered to think about that.

My life was destroyed and who is behind it my own mother and her possessiveness. If you felt insecure you could've come to me and talked with me I would've cleared your all doubts but no you had to destroy everything every damn thing. You snatched not only one but two persons from my life. My Sai and My Aai for me my Mother is dead from now on.

You wanted to be recognized and my mother in front of the world you will be but you will not get me anymore. I am breaking my every personal bond with you today, from now on you don't have any right to me and I am leaving India forever. You will get money and other facilities but not me. You did all those with me to get me completely as yours and your punishment is living without me while my punishment is to live alone away from everyone."

Bhabani fell down on the ground she tried to stop Virat but his steely determined voice expressed that nothing can change his decision now and she lost her son for her deed. That day Virat transferred Power of attorney to Ekta's name and she took over the business in India while Virat was all set to go to Washington and expand their business there. At the airport, he met Nita ready to go with him, and his eyes filled with gratefulness.

When Ekta and Manvi were coming back after seeing off Virat they came face to face with Sai and her husband who were living for Delhi, their new home. When Rishi went to attain some important call Ekta and Manvi told Sai what happened between Virat and Bhabani and Virat is leaving India.

Sai's heart bleeds for the pain of the man she loved wholeheartedly. She knew what his mother meant to him and his leaving his mother behind and leaving India told her how much he is suffering from twin loss. She wanted to rush to him, see him, hug him soothe his pain, wipe his every unshed tear also but she was trapped by her own mistake.

She destroyed not only theirs but also Rishi's life also as she knew she will never be able to love him as she should as a wife. Her body may belong to anyone but her heart will always love Virat and only Virat. She also knew there was no going back for what she did she has to live a painful life cherishing her beloved's memory and praying for him from afar while cheating her husband emotionally. She knew none of them deserved this life but her hasty decision out of pain and hurt destroyed three lives. And it's her punishment to bear all of their pain.

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