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So I picture the Marauders Turing in to there ainamagus form around Godric's hollow and one day they saw a rat in the bread basket so James yelled out for Peter and screamed like a little girl when Petter appeared behind him. So James being terrified told Sirius and the two full grown men were screaming and crying like first year girls . Lily got ride of the rat while James and Sirius were locked in a room sobbing Remus was laughing at them and Peter was making it hard to get ride of the mouse because he turned into a rat to try and make friends with it so Lily instead of grabbing the other mouse graded Peter multiple times.

Hey guys I'm back I have definitely been putting this off but I thought that I should update this finally and I will go back to my normal schedule I had a second part to my last headcanon but I lost it so that will be coming in the near future thank you all for your patience 

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