EXO Overhearing

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This section is about each member of EXO finding out ( overhearing ) that you like them by another member yelling it out ( probably in shock )
D.O shouted I like Xiumin within Xiumin's hearing .

Suho: He is naturally awkward so you can't be anymore awkward than Suho right? When he would hear the other members burst out that you have a crush on Suho he's be blushing like crazy! Although he might not believe them as much because it could be just a prank the other members are pulling on him. He'd probably be extremely shy and probably very awkward around you too, making no eye contact and having both of you blush like crazy when ever you see each other or he'd be a little to excited to see you and by that I mean standing up from his seat waving his hands like crazy until you see him.

Chanyeol: When around other people he would be playful and act like a total goofball and would just continue to be weird endlessly, but as soon as you two were alone he would be really shy and wouldn't know how to start a conversation. You'd often look at him because you felt someone staring at you ( CREEPY CHANYEOL! XD ) but hurry and look somewhere else because his eyes were glued to you. He would really try to have a conversation and say something sweet to you but it woukd just end up coming out being really weird like in his mind he's saying "you have really pretty eyes." And what he says is "you have very nice seeing lenses." Making you both laugh.

Baekhyun: I personally he would be a kid about it and have the cutest little tease ever. Once the other members yelled out how you feel about him, he would stop sending little signals, signs and hints your way. From winking to eyebrow raising or maybe even putting his arm around your waist, you'd catch on sooner or later or if you didn't catch on so easily as he thought he would bring you somewhere and say "I heard you liked someone" with a smirk.

D.O: A possible way to describe Kyungsoo in these situations is an 'squishy adorable ball of gummy bear babies'. He'd be super sweet and caring about how you feel towards him and would do jusy about anything to make you happy and smile, he would do things on purpose like when you guys go out with the whole EXO he would make them leave a seat for you to sit by him or one day accidentally bring too much food so he can share it with you, hoping to impress you. I also think he would get caught looking at you often with his devil look ( he has a staring problem so LETS SEE HOW IT WOULD PLAY OUT XD ) And end up being very embarrassed after at your creeped expression but then you soon laugh it off.

Sehun: Oh Sehun, Oh Sehun, Oh Sehun... ( I think you guys have a feeling of to how he's gonna be ) this bratty boy would tease you so much about it but then act so uninterested at the same time. He would play with you a lot about it like say cute things to you and end up saying just kidding like "hey, you look pretty today" and as you are about to say thanks he says "pretty ugly." You try to laugh it off but eventually he went too far and made you sad, he eventually went up to you and apologized for everything he said and done and just straight up tell you how he feels about you.

Kai: As soon as the other members said his name he hurried over to hear what they had to say and as soon as he found out he would act like he already knew saying " of course. Who wouldn't like me " being so conceded in the process but he would actually be nervous around you like if he didn't have the courage to go up to you, he would just stare from a distance ( like he does with Kyungsoo... AHH #RelationshipGoals ) but as he talks to you he would be very polite but end up being very flirtatious while having no clue what he was doing, he he had the chance to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere with him, he would slip into the conversation with saying " you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen "

Lay: I think with lay's personality he woukd be very shy around you after he had found out from the other members that you like him and would try to make a conversation but soon having no words to say. He would kinda feel awkward at first and having a normal conversation with him would be nearly impossible. You might start to feel a little uncomfortable but Lay would have a great time just staring at you nodding his head listening to your sweet voice as he gets to know you more and more, he might even ask questions.

Xiumin: As he heard one of the members say you liked him I think he would be shocked, blushing like crazy and finding it very hard to talk to you because of how nervous he gets so you both would be saying nothing for a while. He takes that time to think of something sweet and nice to say to you or just a simple hi. He would make eye contact for 1 second then probably sit back down blushing, looking at the floor while his heart beats faster than ever. Eventually the other members from EXO would give him courage to ask you out for food or something so you both can have time to yourself with something you both love.

Chen: He would tease you a lot. Even more than Baekhyun would in my opinion, he would gaze your way making you look at him while he winks or do something like a lip bite or when he asks you out to go somewhere, eating his food sexy would be his backup plan.he would act innocent as if he wasn't doing anything wrong at all but he knew what he was doing. I can also say he would do the most randomness things to make you laugh to see he's a funny guy.

Tao: He'd be very cocky little shit like Kai and try to impress you by being cool by doing some flips and shit and would attempt to flirt with you from across the room, but personally when he comes face to face with you he would be extremely shy and would giggle as soon as he saw you look at him or if he had got caught looking at you. I don't think he would try to do his nunchuck skills in from of you for fear of embarrassment.

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