EXO Stuck

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Reaction: when EXO is stuck in a tree and you are laughing at him and you know you can't help Them because they are too heavy for you to catch. Enjoy this funny chapter and leave a Vote and a comment if you wish. Lots of love~ OuOppa

Suho: Suho climbed the tree like it was nothing, he was happy to impress you but it soon back fired when he was trying to get down from the tree, he was stuck. So he started to panick and tell you to help but when he looked at you, you were laughing hard. So he yelled at you " Why are you laughing! Why?! I did this for you! ㅠ.ㅠ For YOU!! ... and now I'm stuck! Call for help Jagi! Please" You still continued to laugh as you took a picture then went to go get help.

Chanyeol: You and him were walking through the park, when you brought up that you used to climb trees when you were little and chanyeol didn't believe you when you said it so he told you to demonstrate. You climbed the tree with ease and got back down in no time, you told him to climb and he did to be better than you but as he was climbing down he noticed he had a little problem. "Jagi... I think I'm stuck" he said and you bursted out laughing while teasing him calling him a real monkey now. ( yano cause of his ear LUL . ) he tells you to call for help but as you do he just stays there shivering. "Oh my... why did I climb so high.. it's so cold. I regret everything" as you get help he looks down with his eyes of his wide and smiling waving. Which made you laugh even harder.

Baekhyun: now for him, he would be the playful type just doing it for fun. Swinging on the tree first and just end up climbing it in the end to show you how cool and bad ass he was going higher and higher but getting down was a problem for him. He mentioned he got stuck and you wee the quickest one to laugh because he started to pout. He soon gets annoyed and imitates your laughter, "yeah Ha ha ha ha.. not funny! It could've happened to anyone.. ㄴ.ㄴ" You laugh more and threaten to knock him out the tree since he's being a brat

D.O: You two were simply walking home from the store when you stopped a tree with pink blossoms on it. D.O thought it was a smart idea to go take a picture in the tree so he told me to go sit in the tree first, I climbed up, he took the picture and I climbed down with no problems. But as for him.. it's a different story, He climbed up no problem I took the picture but he wasn't coming down for some reason, I told him to come down and he smartly replied "uh yeah, like I just want to stay up here.. I'm trying woman!... I'm suck >_>" You laugh so hard people around you start to stare You tell him you know a way down but you aren't telling him.You look at him and he looks annoyed, he tries to calm himself down and prays ( I THOUGHT HE WAS SATAN LUL... ) "Dear Lord, please give me the strength not to kill this girl, when my feet touch the ground once again".

Sehun: as soon as he gets on the tree you wonder where he went, like he just disappeared out of no where, so you start walking away but then he noticed and starts to scream for help, to get your attention. You thought he was playing at first so you play along saying you'll save him ( acting like super man ) But then he looks at you with a serious face and says "no really save me. I'm stuck" You stare at him for a bit while his face is still serious and you burst out laughing. You couldn't believe he was stuck, So he got tired and wanted to go home and said " if you won't help me, there will be someone who will save this fine ass from up here sooner or later! "

Kai: You and kai play a game together, it's hide and seek. You explain the rules and you said no hiding in trees. So of course Kai would disobey you and hide in a tree so you checked there first since he made you count first, you check for him and you see him. He sees you seeing him and he has a straight face while saying "Hi there ._. How'd you get here sexy" You laugh at his remark and face and tell him to get down, he tries but fails and just sits. You ask if he's stuck and he says " psh.. what? Absolutely not." But you say his name "Kai." and he admits he is. You laugh while saying "That's what you get for cheating! Hahaha" he quickly says "just help me down! When are you gonna help me? We aren't playing still right?" He notice you going to hide and he says " YAH! You don't need to hide! HELP ME ... Ugh I don't understand this game."

Lay: Lay would be a type I think that would be very clueless when it comes to these type of situations. He would just simply climb a tree and get stuck. Without even realizing he's stuck and he is just chilling in a tree, singing. he would sit quietly watching you from the ground then bursting out with " I'm like a bird.. I'll only fly away, weeee~" You laugh at how dumb he was acting and he asks what's so funny and then he realizes he's stuck which made the whole thing funnier.

Xiumin: You don't know what this boy was doing but yet he acts like a kid at home too, he always had an obsession when we went out to play around the trees, I just sighed and let it happen most of the time and maybe I shouldn't have today. He climbed the tree and then told me he got stuck. "Jagi.... please don't laugh kay? But I'm stuck" he pouts and I feel bad so I hurry and try to get help. I call the fire station and he hears me calling them and he quickly yells " to get what out of the tree?! A kitty?! Omg jagi! Don't play right now..." you laugh cause he's serious and his face us just irresistible.

Chen: Chen is the type to play around with but I think he would get mad easily in this type of situation cause he knew how much of a jokester you are and how childish you are cause you are just like him ( LOL ) so as soon as he got into he tree he got stuck but didn't wanna admit it so you started playing around with him and finally he yelled he's stuck. you laugh uncontrollably and he gets angry. "When I come down from this tree jagi. You won't be the one laughing girl... "

Tao: He would be like Chen kinda with getting angry but be emotional at the same time, he climbed up the tree willingly, you didn't tell him to climb up there or nothing. Tao was just being Tao, until he got stuck... then Tao was really being Tao ( XD ) he started getting really worried and scared telling you to help him down, I mean it wasn't a high tree, 30 foot tall tree but only went up like 15 feet and climbed down 7 feet before actually getting stuck but he got scared. So you decided to take a picture of him and he noticed cause you laughed hard, he yells at you instantly and says "What are you doing? Are you taking pictures? If you out them on your instagram we are over!" I laugh and take them anyways c; he still loved you when he got down though~

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