The Castle of Urien

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"How are you feeling," Gaheris tenderly asks Lady Alys.

"Fine, no thanks to you and my brother." Lady Alys grumbles, her voice grating on the ear. A side effect from the hay. Apparently, her mother also had the same affliction. Not something she wanted to pass on but ended up passing it on anyway. 

Lady Rhoslyn, on the other hand, got away scot-free. Not allergic to hay or anything else. Only her twin exists as the anomaly. 

For hours the company rides until dusk falls. After finding a site they like, the company set about their routine of collecting firewood, untacking horses, making a fire and cooking. Once everyone's settled and eating, Sir Bedivere tells the company that in the next few days, they will be pushing hard to reach Castle Carlisle. 

The knights, ladies and squires nod. They know that means a night ride or two. They took too long in the perilous lands. Sir Bedivere meant to arrive at Castle Carlisle a day after Beltane. Beltane has passed. 

The next morning the company quickly breaks camp and sets off. They quickly learn riding through Rheged is very serene. No one stops them, and nothing attacks them on a whim. Overall, the company finds it quite a peaceful place to ride through. 

For three days, the monotony of riding, stopping for lunch, stopping for dinner, untacking, cooking and finding firewood overtakes the looming fear of what they will find in Castle Carlisle. For all they know, they could be bringing a dead body back to Camelot. 

Then on the second day, they enter a forest, and around noon on the fourth day, they reach Luguvalium, an old Roman fort. Currently being repurposed as a "Castle". There has been talk about tearing Luguvalium down and erecting an authentic castle in its place. An actual Castle Carlisle. 

"We camp here," Sir Bedivere announces as he dismounts. He keeps his eye on the looming fort in the distance. One hundred feet from the old Roman fort, the company sets up camp. They refrain from starting a fire until Lady Rhoslyn puts up a spell for the smell and light. And an extra one to render the company invisible. 

Once the camp is set up, Sir Bedivere gives orders. Sir Gawain and Gaheris will scout the far side of the castle while Lady Alys, Galahad and himself will scout the closer side. Lady Rhoslyn will map the area and the castle with her magic, and Sir Percival will guard her back. 

With their orders, the company disperses. 

Lady Rhoslyn grabs parchment, a piece of charcoal and an apple from her pack. She bites into the apple and squats. She allows her magic to prob the ground and show her what the surrounding area looks like. As the images begin to flow back, she sketches them on the parchment. 

Sir Percival, on the other hand, sets up so he's facing the castle and Lady Rhoslyn. He keeps his eyes and ears peeled for movement. If they were to be attacked, his first priority would be Lady Rhoslyn, then himself. He owes it to the lady to prove he's not setting his cap at her sister but for her. 

Along the forest line, Sir Gawain and his brother silently move along to the back. They keep inside the fading tree line as best they can, watching guards rotate every fifteen minutes or so. Then comes Queen Morgan, followed by King Urien walking along the fort's wall. The queen gazes out as if looking for something or someone. The sorceress watches the horizon for ten minutes before moving on. 

Along the front side of the castle, Sir Bedivere, Lady Alys, and Galahad observe the changing of guards every fifteen minutes. Not much happens. Then Queen Morgan and King Urien walk along their side of the fort. Again looking for something. She watches for ten minutes before leaving with an armed escort. 

Two hours later, the company meets back at the campsite. Sir Bedivere asks the brothers if they saw anything worth noting. They immediately tell of Morgan. 

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