gonna kms

39 3 14

Xiao POV
Tw suicide

He was lost. He was alone. He didn't know what to do.

He found himself climbing slowly up the stairs to the dorms roof. Part of him wanting to turn back, but most of him wanting to keep going.

He wanted to give up.

He went to the edge of the roof. He lifted himself up on the side wall and stood there. He looked down.

"Just one step and it'll be over... the pain will be gone.."

Taking a deep breath he prepared himself.

However just as he was about to, he heard music. Confused he stood there and listened.

He turned to see a boy, sat on the ledge of the roof, playing a flute.

Captivated by the music, xiao sat down. He starred at the boy. Venti.

He didn't want to be bother him so he just watched as he played. Xiao wondered, why was he here?

Soon Venti turned around, jumping off the ledge and walking back into the dorm building. Xiao stayed there for a bit longer, though not wanting to be alone with his thoughts he soon followed.

That was a side of Venti that Xiao had not seen.

Xiao walked back to his dorm, following Venti. He didn't intend to of course, they just happened to live in the same dorm. Suddenly he was pulled back by someone.


"Where is zhongli" he asked Xiao, tightening the grip of his collar.

"Let me go tartaglia"

"I won't ask again. What have you done"

"It's past 8pm. He's asleep"

"I checked. He isnt there. What the fuck have you done with him?"

What has Xiao done with him? Nothing? Fuck off.

Xiao decided enough was enough. He turned around quickly enough so his collar was freed from tartaglia, before kicking him in the balls and sprinting away.

He heard tartaglia fall to the ground. Xiao had nearly reached his dorm but a woman stood in his way.


Xiao did not really know her well. But often she could be seen picking on Venti. Xiao didn't care.

But. Why did he get mad upon remembering the other day. She kicked him and stood on his hand.

He didn't deserve that.

"Xiao, is it?" She asked him


"Where is Zhongli? I have to speak with him"

Her too? What did they want with him..

Tartaglia cane sprinting back "SIGNORA DETAIN HIM HE IS FERAL"

She sighed "Seriously childe. Can't even handle someone half your size. What could he of even done to you?"


"Thank you for that Xiao. He deserved it"


Seems tartaglia hates her too. Whatever. Xiao tried to get into his dorm. Signora stopped him though.

"Tell me where Zhongli is"

"...I don't know"

The anemo door opened. And a boy Xiao did not recognise came out...

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