ugh alhaitham 😒😒😒😒

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Kaveh POV
Alhaitham is so annoying that he sucks as a leader because like he is sitting there reading a stupid book and not helping!!

"Kaveh?" Tighnari questioned him

"What is it?"

"Are you going to help? Or are you going to keep starring at Alhaitham?"

"I am staring at him because he is not helping!"

"Neither are you..?"

"Fine!" Kaveh went back to laying out tires for the agility course. The course and archery were outside the school, as it would be dangerous to have them inside.

Faruzan started to wave Kaveh over to her. "Psst kaveh! Come here, "

"What do you want?"

"How about we make the agility course more.. fun? With my genius and your architectural skills, we could make a fun invention?"

"Hmm, like what?"

"A swarm of bees that chases people do they complete the course faster"

"Sounds dangerous"

"No, it's not. Let's do it,"


As kaveh was working on the beeswarm thing an arrow shot right past his head "what the fuck who is trying to murder me"

Collei had fired the shot "I'm so so sorry kaveh I missed the target completely"

Alhaitham came over "Collei try to be more careful next time. Only use the targets when no one is behind them.. as for you kaveh why are you behind the targets? The agility course is over there precisely so people don't get shot."

"Fuck off Alhaitham no one asked you to get involved!"

"As the form leader"

"aS ThE fOrM LEaDdeR"

Alhaitham sighed and walked away. Faruzan raised an eyebrow. "Collei why are you practising archery now?"

Collei stuttered "er Well I'm just testing it works.. and I want to be really good at archery to impress Amber!"

Amber? Kaveh pondered "Oh? She's the head of the archery club isn't she?"


Faruzan shook her head "here let me show you how it's done!"

"Wow madam faruzan you do archery?"

"I used to, back in my youth!"

Kaveh starred at her "this is your youth.."

"Hush kaveh you imbecile!!"

**bleep bleep**: announcement. Can all students please make there way to the performance hall for an emergency assembly.

Faruzan stomped her foot "what! Just when I was about to show dear Collei my Archery skills! Ugh this better had be worth my valuable time"

Collei laughed "you can show me after! Do you want to sit together in the assembly?"

Faruzan nodded happily. The form began to walk in a line.

Kaveh noticed Alhaitham was behind him. "Alhaitham why are you behind me"

"?? Because I'm going to the assembly. We are going to the same place"

"Now I am going to be sat with you"

"Okay learn to cope"


In the assembly Dain announced signora had died and wanted to question the javelin club.

Candace is in the javelin club so she went down there while the rest of Kavehs form went back.

Cyno asked "do you think Candace killed her?"

Dehya interrupted "no??? I don't even think she knew her"

Tighnari agreed "I wonder what her murder has to do with the javelin club"

Kaveh: "because the members are dodgy af"

Dehya gave him a look

Kaveh: "Besides candace.. of course"

Collei: "Cyno weren't you in the club for a bit?"

Cyno: "yeah I was but Itto convinced me to join C and B club"

Kaveh: "cock and balls club?"

Cyno: "no.. wait that's probably why he named it that.."


While everyone was working on whatever, Nahida came in, greeting everyone with a smile. She had a guest in tow. "Hello everyone, allow me to introduce you to.. hat guy.."

Cyno gave her a look "...hat guy? Isn't that scaramouche"

"No hes hat guy! And he's joining our form"

Alhaitham looked at her "No way."

"Why? Give him a chance Al!"

"He's moving from the Sneznyhan form, right? The one Signora was in? That is low-key sus. Also didn't he move from Inazuma?"

'Hat guy' looked mad "Low-key sus?? Shut the fuck up you cringe fucker it's none of your business why I moved I didn't fucking kill anyone"

Tighnari questioned "do you know who did kill her?"

"Are your ears broken? They said it was someone in the javelin club? Probably my sister, Shogun"

Nahida nudged him "be nice hat guy"

"Fine. But stop calling me that"

Candace returned from being questioned, Dehya greeted her with a hug "Candace! What happened"

"They asked me if I did it. And I said no"

Damn okay ig u can just do that

Nilou: "why did they think you did it?"

Candace: "she was impaled by a javelin at around 3pm right outside the anemo dorms. They figured a javelin club member could of accidentally thrown it and killed her"

Cyno: "me when I accidentally throw a javelin across the school and kill someone 🫠"

Faruzan: "did anyone witness it?"

Candace: "Venti from mond did"

Scaramouche: "unrelated but I'm so glad she's dead"

Kaveh: "what the fuck" 😃

Scaramouche: "she was a bitch almost as bad as childe hope he dies next"

Alhaitham: "I don't want this guy in my form"

Kaveh: "your form?? Please Alhaitham you do nothing"

Alhaitham: "yeah but I don't even want to be the leader"

Tighnari: "Stop arguing oh my"

Cyno: "Yeah just kiss already"

Kaveh: "NO CYNO EW I am not gay"

Cyno: "me when I lie"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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