xiao pov finally????

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Xiao POV
Hu tao handed Xiao a black blanket "here put this on"

"?? why"

She rolled her eyes "Cus ur gonna like.. scare people with it like wear it in the dark and go up to people and like touch them"

"That sounds illegal what"

"NO ITS FUN oh my gods stop being difficult Xiao!"

"Do I seriously have to participate?"


Ningguang sighed "I don't care"

"Wtf" hu tao face palmed "first Xingqius little gay book shop thing now this- OW XINGQIU TF"

Xingqiu had thrown a book at her "Shut the fuck up hu tao you are so fucking homophobic"

Xiao sighed. Why was he in a form with these clowns.

Lumine walked over and hugged hu tao "Hey bestiee"

"Lumineee did you get the fairy lights for the entrance"

"Oh shit I left them in the anemo dorms..."

"I gave you one job! Xiao go and get the fairy lights"

Xiao grumbled "why me?"

"Because ur being useless okay bye" she pushed him out the door.


Xiao walked over towards the anemo dorms. He saw Signora standing outside. She was often there on Wednesday just waiting... always in the exact same spot.

Xiao looked around the dorm for the fairy lights, eventually finding them on the kitchen floor. Why were they there..

As he picked them up he heard a commotion outside the dorm...

He heard venti say "I don't have anymore money"

Followed by.. signora, "fine. Next week better be triple or else"

What the fuck? He heard Venti unlocking the door. Xiao quickly hid inside the kitchen. When Venti went into his room, Xiao quickly left.

Outside the anemo dorms there was a big window. You could see the field where Xiao would practise his javelin there.


"I'm back-" xiao walked into the classroom, as you entered it was pitch black. There was black blankets lined over the walls.

Hu tao took the fairy lights off him without a word. She plugged them in and began to stick them to the ceiling of the entrance.  "There! Lumine doesn't this look nice!!"

"Yeah I'll look later" lumine replied. She was designing her costume.


After a week the whole classroom had been decorated and turned into a maze, using desks and chairs with black blankets covering them.

Around were hiding spots for the form to jump out and scare people as well as places to hide for the customers.

Xiao didn't care though. He had other matters to attend to. While no one was looking he snuck away. Making sure no one would see him.


Xiao just needed to do some javelin practice. Except he was going to try to throw it further than he ever had before. And.. hit a target.

He looked on his phone to check the camera he set up... she was there... but so was he.

"Whatever, just wait for him to leave.." He thought, watching the camera.

Xiao didn't really know why he was doing this.

He saw her pick him up.. and he threw his javelin.

As soon as he did though he regretted it.. "shit what if it hits venti..?" He thought

He ran to hide in the bushes. On his phone he saw he had hit her. Good.

He put on the black blanket and pressed himself against a wall. His classmates may of noticed he was gone, so he was going to pretend he was here the whole time.

He waited for Hu Tao to ask where he was, as she predictably would.

"Oh my gods where did Xiao go- AH"

Xiao touched her shoulder from behind. "I have been here?"

"Yay you put your costume on!"


**bleep bleep**: announcement. Can all students please make there way to the performance hall for an emergency assembly.

Hu tao groaned "seriously ugh I hate assemblys"

His form and him walked towards the PH in line. Everyone chatted happily except xiao.. which wasn't unusual for him.

Xiao couldn't see Venti.

Once everyone was seated, headmaster Dainsleif spoke. "Ahem. Thank you all for gathering here on such short notice. I'm deeply sorry that I have to be up here today.. to bring you some sad news about Signora."

Hu tao whispered quite loudly to Lumine "oh idc I never liked her anyway lmao"

Dainslief continued "unfortunately she has passed away this afternoon after a mysterious accident that will be investigated."

Tartaglia, who was in front of hu tao turned around "hu tao what the fuck"

"Er I didn't know she died I thought he was gonna say she broke her toe or something!!!"

Again Dainsleif continued "the police would like to speak to the members of the javelin club, as they suspect a member may of murdered her. Thank you. Dismissed"

Lumine turned to Xiao "xiao your in the javelin club... I wonder why they suspect she was murdered by someone in that club??"

Xiao looked down, "me too"

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