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Dion gray Solari

She's been on my mind nonstop after we kissed. She felt so perfect on me, on my lips, everything about her.

Once her lips touched mine it was almost as if a spark was lit in my stomach. A good feeling, I don't know what the feeling is but I like it and I don't.

She made me so fucking hard yesterday to where I had to run the cold shower a couple of times. All I kept thinking was about her body, her lips.

I walked out the room hopefully Inaya isn't in sight because I was embarrassed. Not because I was hard once she sat on me but that she was the first girl I've ever kissed.

I know it's surprising because I'm a 23 year old man who has saved himself and his first kiss but I don't regret my first kiss with her.

I'm happy she was my first.

Hopefully my first everything?

Inaya came into view making me slightly choke up from her being in a 2x small dress. A tight pink short dress, white heels that wrapped around her cavs and her hair straighten.

Come on Inaya you know what you're doing to me.

I'm feening for you.

"Done staring, tomato?" She happily said as she went looking for something in the fridge causing her to bend down exposing her lower half to me making my pants tighten.

It's to early for a cold shower Dion, hold yourself together.

"Dion!" Inaya shrieked out making me quickly stare down at her as she had her arms crossed making me furrow my eyebrows.

"We're you just staring at my ass?" She said as she looked up at me and I quickly shook my head.

"No, I wasn't." I said as I couldn't hold back my smile that kept creeping on my face. "Your a bad lier." Inaya spat and turned around and my eyes quickly dropped to her ass but she quickly turned around and pointed to me.

"See, caught you." Inaya said as she walked over to me as I had my eyes lowered and my back pressed against the wall.

"Your the one wearing short and tight dresses around me." I shrugged as she stopped half way and glared up at me.

"And you shouldn't be looking at my ass!" She crossed her arms and tapped her left foot.

"What are you gonna do about it Ms. Vesper." I tilted my head and licked my lips and slowly looked her up and down.

I chuckled and unpressed myself from the wall as she stood there stuck. As I reached for the door she quickly pushed me back to the wall and quickly stood on her tippy toes and planted a big kiss on my lips making me pick her up to where she could kiss me without a struggle.

My hands landed on her lower ass but I quickly placed my hands on her waist as she moaned in my mouth.

She tugged on my bottom lip causing me to groan most likely leaving a mark. "That's what I'm going to do about it." She bluntly said as she licked her lips as I slowly did circles around her lower back as we maintained eye contact.

"Well, I'll look at your ass all day if I get kisses from you." I whispered in her ear and gently placed a kiss on her earlobe and placed her down.


I'm now in a mall with Leilani and Inaya.

They've been in different stores just spending money left and right. A part of me wanted to pay but I had to know where we are and keep my position tight in public.

I sighed heavily as I waited in the seating area in the dressing room for inaya and Leilani who's trying on dresses.

"Hi, I was wondering if you were single?" A random woman asked me and I nodded. She was pretty but not as beautiful as inaya.

"Well, good because I'm willing to change that?" The lady said making me smile and chuckle as she handed me her number.

"I'll think about it." I said as I looked up at the lady as she started to walk away and saw Inaya in my peripheral vision.

I looked over at inaya as she stared down the woman. "Jealous?" I tilted me head and bit my bottom lip as I slowly looked her up and down.

She had a sour look on her face as her arms were crossed. I chuckled and threw my head back as I slowly ripped the paper that the lady gave me.

I stood up to my full height and stared down at her and quickly turned her around to the mirror.

"No need to be jealous ." I whispered in her ear softly and watched as she bit her bottom lip.

"Blue is your color, it compliments your skin tone." I patted her side and sat down to see Leilani with her jaw dropped low.

I smiled as I lowered my eyes at her causing her to quickly look away. "I knew you both were fucking. Wait- you can't fuck your fathers bodygaurd. Your father would slap the black off of you." Leilani spluttered out but inaya quickly covered Leilani's mouth with her hand.

"Shut up, we're not fucking. And I know how my father is, I am a grown women and capable of my own decisions." Inaya said and uncovered Leilani's mouth as I sat and watched.

Leilani placed her hands up in the air, "I'm just telling you, you know how your father is." She spat and checked herself out in the mirror.

Inaya sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.


I sat down on the chair as I ate Napoleon ice cream as Inaya finally walked out her room in a silk pajama set making me vert my eyes to the wall infront of me.

"Dion, I feel like we shouldn't be kissing or trying- basically we're nothing okay. Just do your job for now on." Inaya stated making me look up at her and lowered my eyes.

"Not to be a dickhead but I'm only here just because your father wanted me and I was only focused on my job until you kissed me first." I stated back making her roll her eyes.

"Because you were giving me signs!" She slight raised her voice making me stop eating the ice cream and leaned back in the chair.

"What signs exactly? You were the one flashing me, kissing me, calling me names. Come on Inaya, what signs." I crossed my arms making my muscles define some more.

"Because I was drunk okay. Yes I've kissed you but- let's leave this okay. Yes I'm in the wrong and now I'm fixing it, to where you can do your job. So just act like my body guard." She bluntly said and I nodded by head and kept quiet.

I'll act like a real bodyguard.


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