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Dion gray Solari

I drove with one hand and one hand on her thigh as she slept peacefully. Her stomach has gotten bigger for 3 months.

She has the cutest bump.

My baby's.

I looked in the rear veiw mirror to see 3 black cars following me making me shake Inaya gently to wake her up.

"Embrace yourself for impact and don't freak out." I calmly said before the black car smashed in the back of our Range Rover making inaya groan and jolt forward but I held onto her stomach.

"Shit." I muttered as I sped up and swerved off the road onto a dirt feild and parked making the black cars stop.

"Bab- what the fuck are you doing?" Inaya yelled out as she looked at me and then at the black Porsches.

I got out the car with my gun tucked behind my back and slammed my door shut as I smirked.

Inayas father got out the car with a gun drawn. "Well Mr. Solari, you killed my son. Ruined my family." He yelled out as I placed my hands up in the air and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm afraid Mr. Vesper, you ruined your own family- own life, with your affair and your son had it coming. You both killed my mother." I protested as his finger rimmed the trigger as his face harden. I scoffed but the sound of the gun going off made me look at his direction before I quickly moved out the way and laughed.

"Come on now, don't be like that Mr. Vesper. Your daughter would hate to see her baby daddy die right infront of her eyes." I yelled out making her father eyes lower.

"You've got my daughter pregnant?" He yelled out and I smirked. "I fuck her every fucking hour. Hey I mean, if it was up to me, you would have been had grandkids. But to bad my father made me move back here while we were teenagers. I loved when she actually let me fuck her before I left for good. I took her virginity at the ripe age of 15, did you know that Mr. Vesper?" I spat with a smile and he growled out and shot bullets but I quickly ducked every single one.

Yes it's true. My memory is foggy but I'll never forget that moment when we were only 15 when her mother let me sleep over. I took her virginity but I refused to tell my father and kept the secret that I was a virgin and saving myself.

We were only young so she didn't count it and even told me that she regretted it of loosing it so early. Not because I didn't dick her down because I definitely did but she said it's what friends do and said that we were just young.

So the only people who knows I fucked her before when we were younger is now her father.

"We could do this the easy way, or not." Her father yelled out and I hummed. "Get rid of the men and then I'll hand over what you really want... you daughter." I bluntly said as I looked over at inaya who had a furious face on. She was mad that I ran my mouth.

She flipped me off and glanced forward. She's going to be begging for me to stop tonight but I'm not. She's got punishment for that.

I looked back to see all her fathers men gone and speeding off making me smile.

I walked over to Inayas door and took her hand but she pulled and kicked me and shook her head. "Don't you fucking dare." She growled out but I quickly yanked her out the car and stood behind her.

"Follow my lead." I gritted out and grabbed her by her arm forcefully making her whine. "I'm sorry but I have to do this." I whispered and she nodded and bit her lip.

"Walk." I yelled out as she cried and walked towards her father. I looked down at her ass and then at her father who eyes were glued onto mine.

I stooped right infront of her dad and just as he reached for her I grabbed her by her throat and pressed a gun to her head making inaya sob out.

"Di-Dion, what are you doing?" She sobbed out. It hurted me to do this to her but I had to get her father mad. Furious.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" He yelled out as I pressed against her and slowly grinded against her as I smiled at her father and lowered my eyes.

"But she's mine. I can do whatever I want to her, can't I?" I growled out in her ear and she nodded but I slapped her cheek.

"Words." I bluntly said as I smiled and looked at her father. "Yes daddy... I'm all yours." Inaya softly said as she lowered her eyes at her dad.

I quickly unpressed the gun from her head and pointed it at her father. "Look what I have your daughter calling me...She knows who breeds her, her real fucking daddy." I bluntly said before I shot him right between his eyes making Inaya whimper out.

I unpressed against inaya and she quickly ran back to the car as she sobbed. "Sorry Mr. Vesper." I whispered with a smirk before I quickly got in the car and sped off.

She crossed her arms and looked out the window. "If you can't handle it then I can get you on the jet back to Chicago." I rasped out and she quickly shook her head no.

"What's there for me Dion? I'm pregnant by a mafia don who wouldn't let me go to Chicago by myself if I wanted to do what's the point." She spat and she was right.

"Smart but seriously, I don't want you to be scared of me of what I do. I'm already stepping down after all this love. Just don't be sc-" I started to ramble and she quickly placed a kiss on my cheek and placed her hand on my imprint making my breathing hitch.

"It goes both ways, I wouldn't let your ass go to Chicago alone either. Your not the only one that's possessive and it doesn't make it any better how I'm crazy over your dick." She whispered in my ear making my pants tighten.

"I always counted that you took my virginity I just denied it because I thought you didn't like my pussy because of how blunt you were." She quietly said as she positioned herself back in her seat.

"Do you know how many times I replayed that time in mind after I came in you? All the freak accidents, you see I can't stay out of you... I've been whipped." I deeply chuckled out.

"Your my soulmate, inaya." I whispered out as I placed my hand behind her seat. She gave me a smile and looked at the dark road.

My beautiful girl.


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