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Dion grey Solari

Inaya grinded her hips onto mine as music blasted. She wanted to go down stairs so I let her but I demanded to go with.

My hands trailed up and down her sides as she had her arms wrapped around my neck as she threw her head back.

"Baby, it's time to go. It's 2 in the morning." I stated and she shook her head. "No, I want to stay here and have fun." She yelled out making me roll my eyes.

"No baby, you need rest. You've been on your feet to much." I lowly stated as she sighed and stopped grinding her hips.

Gabriella took a couple of shots and disappeared. Like always.


I drove her over to my home that I've never even been in because I've never got the chance to. I was always gone.

I opened the door and she quickly looked at the shiny black marble floors making her hesitate to walk on it.

"Walk inaya." I softly said and pushed her gently making her move forward. She sat down on the black couch and took off her heels.

"You need more color. Black, it's giving emo." She rasped out making me laugh. "It doesn't." I stated as she laided down in the couch with her hands on her belly.

"You hungry?" I asked and she nodded her head. "You want pasta? I know you only like the potato pancakes and nothing else from here." I said as I started to unbutton my shirt.

"Yes, Alfredo please." My beautiful girl requested and I nodded and went straight to my kitchen and grabbed some pots and pans.

Her phone rung as I hummed a song as I started to cook.

"Hello?" She softly said as I waited for the water to boil. "No, I left for a little."

"B-but dad. No, he's not!" She raised her voice making me furrow my eyebrows and approach her. "I told you I'm on vacation just for a bit, I wanted to get away from everyone."

"He's no where to be found okay! I don't know where he's at!" She yelled out as I sat down on the couch with her and stroked her thigh.

"I'm not a lie dad, didn't you kill his mother because she found out about your affair?" She spat making my heart drop.

She nibbled on her bottom lip.

"He's not dangerous- bye dad." She angrily said and hung up before grabbing a pillow and screamed in it.

She placed the pillow back down as she had her resting face on display. She was pissed, pissed.

"Baby what happened?" I asked and she raised her hand and I knew she needed this time for a deep breather.

I stayed quiet as I looked into her eyes as I waited patiently for a response. "He said that your dangerous and that your gonna kill me next." She quietly said making my eyes lower.

"You think I would kill you when I crossed every boundary with you?" I tilted my head and she shook her head no.

"My father knows we're in Germany, he's booking a flight out here. To kill you." She quietly said making me throw my head back and shake my head as I released a raspy laugh.

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