Chapter 9 - Call of Darkness

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Anakin Skywalker

All the questions I had about the mission from the start are resurfacing full force now, and I don't know what to think about anything. Palpatine isn't wrong. I have no idea what the Jedi are planning to do. I don't understand why they distrust him so much, either.

What if they are really thinking about seizing control of the Republic? I can't imagine that, though. They've always been loyal to it, right? They wouldn't... do that. Obi-Wan wouldn't go along with that. Right?

But then I remember what Aniya saw in her vision, and... I don't know anything anymore. It's all so confusing, and there's no one I can turn to. Maybe I could talk to Qui-Gon, though. If the Council is really planning this, he might know what to do. Maybe. Assuming he knows, because I doubt the Council would let him in on this.

"Did you ever hear the legend of the Dark Lord who was capable of directly influencing the midi-chlorians?" Palpatine asks.

"What?" Aniya asks, leaning forwards. That's more than a little unsettling. As if I'm not worried enough about the Sith already.

"Legend has it that he could influence these midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying."

What? The world seems to still at the words. It's – he – my vision of Padme swims through mind again, and I think of what Aniya said about Qui-Gon. "He could actually... save people from death?"

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

I exchange a look with Aniya, who seems as much at a loss of how to react to this as I am. It's – all I've wanted to hear all this time is that there might be something we can do about our visions, and now that Palpatine mentioned this completely off-handedly, I can't shake the sudden questions from mind. "What happened to him?"

"He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power," Palpatine says, smiling faintly as he watches the opera. I haven't paid attention to any of it, honestly.

"He did, didn't he?" Aniya asks.

"His fate is... unknown, but I imagine in time that is what happened, or will happen."

"Is it possible to learn this power?" I press.

"Not from a Jedi."

But that's – that's all we need. It's... am I seriously thinking about using the Dark Side?

You already did, a voice in my mind reminds me. That's what Maul was starting to teach us so long ago, and it's what we used when we killed the Raiders after our mother's death. It's... It didn't all feel evil the way the Jedi teach, but I still know how bad it can be.

It's a part of who I am, even if I hate it. Even if I wish there was a way to rip it out.

But – what if this is the only way to save Padme and possibly my child? I can't say the same for preventing our other visions, but we have to do something. Aniya thinks they might all be connected, and while I don't know if that's true, it's not impossible. If I prevent one of them, it might stop the others, too. I can only hope. Because if this is a choice, I'm willing to take it. I would never dream of being selfish enough to not sacrifice myself for Padme and our child and Qui-Gon and... in everyone's stead.

The only problem is that I know Aniya would do the same for me.

The meeting with Palpatine ends soon enough, and Aniya and I slip out, heading back for Padme's apartment. All I can do now is think of what Palpatine was saying about the legend. From the look on Aniya's face, I can tell she's thinking likewise.

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