~ F O U R T E E N ~

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Jake didn't join Laura for her run again that morning but he must have know when she got back home because true to his word, Jake was knocking at Laura's front door right at 6:00 and pecking a quick kiss on Laura's lips before placing his hands on her hips and moving her to the side so he could walk into the kitchen, leaving her with a dumbfounded expression.

"Look alive, darling. I'm making you breakfast." He teased from across the home.  He had a feeling she still wasn't sure where they stood in terms of their relationship and he intended to spend the entire day showing her just how serious he was about wanting to make something work with her.

"It's early, cowboy.  Give a girl some processing time."  Laura retorted, making her way into the kitchen to join him.

Jake turned and grinned at her from where he stood inside the fridge, in the process of gathering all the ingredient he wanted. "I thought you were the early riser, sweetheart."

"I may be an early riser but I still need some brain capacity to process when random Texan pilots barge into my home, kiss me, then take over my kitchen." She rolled her eyes with a smile of her own.

"Is that all I am to you, darling? Just some random Texan pilot?" Jake stepped towards where she was leaned against the counter, closing her in against it with his arms on either side.

When Laura didn't speak out of more shock, Jake grinned larger. "I would sure hate to know how many other random Texan pilots have done this, darling." Jake whispered in her ear and a shiver went down her spine.

Laura let her eyes stare into his which was all it took before he moved one hand to the back of her head and was pressing his lips onto hers with a lot more force than either of them were expecting.

Laura's own hands moved up to his hair as she ran her fingers through it, forcing him to groan against her lips. "Darling." He muttered against her. "You're going to have to stop making me want to kiss you if you're wanting me to feed you breakfast."

Laura pulled away, happy, and more awake than she was before Jake arrived.

"Whatcha cooking, cowboy?"

"Are pancakes and bacon okay?  My momma made it a Sunday morning tradition when Rosalyn and I were kids and I still try to uphold it." Hearing Jake talk about his family made Laura smile.

"Absolutely, Jake, do you want help?"

"Nah uh, darling, you cooked me an amazing dinner and breakfast the other day and I still need to make it up to you." Jake surprised Laura once again that morning by suddenly picking her up and placing her on top of the counter. "Don't move an inch, sweetheart."

Laura was more than happy to watch Jake as he moved flawlessly through the kitchen cooking them breakfast. It was definitely a sight she could find herself getting used to.

"Jake?" Laura questioned softy after watching him for a bit too long.

"Yes, darling?" Jake didn't turn from his place at the stove flipping pancakes.

"You talk about your momma quite a bit, do you get to visit her very often?"  Laura already admired the relationship between Jake and his mom and having lost her own mother so early, she was always intrigued by the relationships other people had with their mothers.

Jake let out a soft sigh.  "I wish I could say I did.  I maybe get to see her once or twice a year.  I think that's my own selfish doing though."

"What do you mean, it's your own selfish doing?"  She asked carefully.

"It gets pretty lonely being alone all the time, darling.  You know the navy is more than happy to take volunteers for deployments.  It's a lot easier being alone when I'm on a carrier in the middle of the ocean than it is being alone and coming back to an empty house every night."  There was a heavy sadness and almost regret in his tone.

Deadly Allure: Top Gun | Jake "Hangman" SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now