To Shatter a God

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"Did you lot really think you would escape and do what?!" Achilles screamed at me as I wore the confidence I saw great-grandfather wear with so much swagger.

"You've seen our parents," I pointed out, "you've seen my father shake the earth and my mother twist time itself. The more appropriate question is what we can't do." He rushed me, but I slowed time to a crawl, walking out of the way only to feel Barnabas reach out and push time back forward, landing my face in Achilles fist. He wasn't one to let such a slip-up pass by, and my vision soon faded to black.

"What is this place?"

"It takes the form of your nightmares. At least, that's what One told me."

"What, are you without fear?"

"Pray you don't see my fears today. They've killed gods."

- Emma II and Abraham, in the Abstract Realm.

As I woke up, I found myself in restraints, Achilles standing over my lying form with a knife. "You have no power here," he said, pointing to some kind of generator, "those are created from an ancient seal made to lock away your great-grandparents, so you have no power here. Your siblings have no power here, and you will be the example." He then pressed the knife against my chest, laughing while I screamed as the knife went in.

Truly, those days were filled with many horrors, and as I was sent back to our cell, I noticed that the rust and corrosion of time was all fixed, that I couldn't feel the electric current keeping the inside of our cell separate from the rest of the world. I was thrown through the doors, hurting all over my body. There were also more guards, and I found that I couldn't reach into their minds as I had seen Joseph do in vision.

"Abraham!" Anthony cried as I entered the cell, pulling me into a tight hug, wiping the blood from my face. "I'm so sorry I left you to that. What did he do?"

"He ..." I had to pause and collect my thoughts. "He cut me open. He then put something that burned on my cheek." The then noticed the skull-shaped burn on me, branding Achilles put on me in case I were to somehow escape again.

"It'll come off," Barnabas said with a shrug, something neither I nor Anthony believed.

That night, Anthony held me tight, anger burning inside him. I could still feel it, but I was already seeing Achilles standing over me, covered in my blood whenever I felt my brother's anger.

The next morning, we woke to Achilles standing at our cell. "Come along, Abraham." I nervously arose as the barrier was dropped only for Anthony to step in front of me.

"No," Anthony declared, "you will not." He then summoned the magic of our parents as golden blades formed in his hands.

"I haven't turned off the magic inhibitors," Achilles noted with a frown, "that should not be possible."

"I'm a son of the wanderer Joseph," Anthony retorted, grinning despite the trickle of blood running down his chin indicating his pain, "you won't be touching my brother."

Once Achilles got over Anthony still resisting, he knocked my brother out very quickly. It became a daily spectacle of my brother trying to stop my torture only to be beaten bloody. While I was given medicine to heal, he was not, and I soon wanted to do anything to stop him from having to get hurt for me.

"What brings you back here," I looked from my spectral form, once again in my mind to speak with Abzedek.

"My brother is getting hurt," I replied, "because he's trying to keep me from getting hurt. I'm going to repay the favor."

"And how do you," He paused as he saw a knife form in my hand just like with Anthony's swords. "Do you intend to kill me? I'm your connection to Abzedek. Without me, you are no son of mine and will have no magic."

"And that magic is why he hurts me," I argued before jumping at the personification of my magic, ramming my knife into his eye before I felt my magic flicker out.

That next morning, Achilles arrived, and I stood up, getting in front of Anthony. "There's no point anymore, I killed my connection." Though I didn't see it (obviously), my eyes showed this, having gone from their vibrant blue to a light, lifeless orange.

"That's not changing anything," Achilles said before Anthony rushed forward, lasting a few seconds Achilles was pushed back a few inches before once again throwing my brother to the side.

Nothing changed, and so more than just my magic died that day.

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