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𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

it's 3 after Gladys funeral... Today is Elvis' last day home then he has to go back to Germany.. He has been laying in bed all the 3 days he has been home.. But today I'm going to try to get him up because we find out what the gender the baby is...

I got out of bed.. It's 9:30 and the doctors appointment is at 10:30...i got in the shower and did all of that.. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel covering my body.. I dried my hair already.. I went over to Elvis' side of the bed... "Honey.. Time to get up..." I said softly... I shook up a little.. I over think trying to wake someone up.. All the time.. "Baby... Get up.." He groaned And his eyes fluttered open..

"Time to get up" he stared into my eye.. "Elvis get up." I kissed his lips and turned on the light.. He got up sitting in the bed with his bare back facing me.. "Ugh I'm so excited..." I was all smiley... Then I looked over at Elvis.. "Elvis y-ya don't h-have to go if ya want too..." I was hoping he would go.. But he didn't have too.. "I'll g-go"

I got on the bed and put my arms around his neck whispering his in ear..

"Everythin will be alright.. Ok baby..? Everythin... I'm right here if ya need anythin.." I kissed his neck and got off the bed...

I picked out a white dress with blue flowers on it... "Oh Elvis here look at the ultrasound from 4 days ago!" I giggled and he smiled weakly.. "See it's little feet.. And it's fingers" he looked up at me and kissed me.. He spoke softly.. "I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a little girl.." "Me too..."

"I-i should get this framed.." I smiled looking down at it... I gave one to Elvis framed.. It's in his room in Germany..

It's 10:00 right now and we walked down the stairs.. It was quiet.. Vernon was sitting down in the dining table reading the news paper and sipping on coffee..

"D-daddy me and violeta are leavin for the doctor.." "Ok son.." Is all he said to Elvis.. I walked over to dodger.. "Bye dodger.." "Oh dear ya tell me as soon as y'all get home ya hear?!" "Ok we will" I giggled and hugged her.. Elvis came over and hugged her...

I looked over and saw the head line of the paper...

'Violeta Presley! Wife of Elvis Presley is pregnant! With baby number one!'

The long right was quiet.. He's usually messing around, jumping round.. And singing really loud.. Then I spoke up..

"E-elvis I know ya hurtin but I hate seein ya like this b-but I don't know how to comfort ya.. T- that's all I want to do.. B-but I don't know.." "It's ok.." He put his hand on my baby bump..

I put my hand on top of his.. "M'sorry I'm supposed to comfort ya but I don't know how too..." "Honey it's ok.. Really it is.." "Y-ya sure..?" "Mhm"

?" "Mhm"

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We got to the doctors and we got a room.. The nurse came in.. "Hello Mr and Mrs Presley.. Here for a reveal of the gender and ultrasound?" She asked "yes ma'am" Elvis said.. "Ok mama I'm goin to have a lay down and pull ya dress up.." I pulled my dress up and she up a blanket on me.. "Do y'all want me to tell ya right now or wait for the ultrasound pictures.." I looked over at Elvis then back at the nurse.. "The ultrasound pictures please" "of course!" She smiled...

I looked over at Elvis and smiled... "So there is the babys head...and it's little hands.." I smiled at Elvis and so did he.. "Can y'all hear the heart beat?.." We all got quiet.. I gasped and covered my mouth.. "I'm so excited" I blunted out.. "I can tell" Elvis took my hand into his.. "Ok y'all I'm goin to get ya pictures but first let me clean ya up" she cleaned the gel off my belly and walked out of the room.. "See it's so cool" I giggled "Mhm" I could tell he was still hurting.. Even if he tried to cover it up..

"Ok are y'all ready...?" "Mhm.." "It's a..."


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Hey loves! Hope this chapter wasn't too sort.. But y'all will have to see tomorrow if it's a boy or a girl! Tell me names and if you think it's a boy or a girl!! ~🎀~ ...

𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞~𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮~ Where stories live. Discover now