Chapter One - Rise of the Turtles (P1)

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- 3rd POV -

A girl with slightly curly brown hair and three different color streaks walked along side one of her best friends, Brianna. She had long white blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses. "Rosie, are you coming over to my house for my sleepover tonight?" The girl asked her friend but the brunette could only give her a sad smile. "I actually wanted to stay at home with April and Kirby today." Rosie says and Brianna pouts a bit before sighing.

"Fine. I'll let you be you but you'll be missing out on our annual Harry Potter marathon." The snow blonde says which makes both of the girls laugh. Rosie met Brianna when they started middle school and they've been friends since then. Along the way they also met a hot headed yet passionate girl named Madeline who had long, curly red hair and blue eyes. There was also Clementine who was a lot different. She was more childish and very bubbly while also having long, light-brown hair and turquoise-blue eyes.

The four were also together during the end of middle school and to the start high school. Even though they we're all different from one another with Rosie being the headstrong and defiant girl, Brianna as the quiet yet intelligent bookworm, Madeline the fighter of the group and Clementine the lovable little sister (even though they're all the same age) of the group. In school, they were known as the weird but kind group of girls.

And speaking of Clementine, she was currently running towards them while also looking behind her in fear. "Rosie! Brianna! Please help me!" She squeaks as she hides behind Brianna. The two look at her in confusion before hearing yelling. "Clementine! I'm going to hurt you!" Brianna slaps her hand over her face after hearing Madeline yelling across the hall and Rosie sweat drops awkwardly.

"Uh, what did you do, Clem?" Rosie asks her friend and the girl nervously look over to her. "Well, I, uh, may or may not have put another surprise in Mads locker." Both girls sigh at her words and then start to see their red curly haired friend come into view. "Oh god..." Brianna mutters, tiredly. Her brunette haired friend chuckled at her words before turning towards Madeline.

"Hey, Mads," Rosie and Brianna said at the same time, both dragging on their hey's which made the red haired narrow her eyes at them. "Where is Clementine?" She questioned them both. The two glance at each other. "Uh, I think I saw her run into the bathroom." Brianna said and then there was a sneeze behind her making her and Rosie sigh again while Madeline smirked.

"Dang it!" Clementine muttered to herself as Madeline pulled the girl by the arm and locked her head between her knuckles. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" She winced loudly making everyone in the hallway look at them weirdly.

Rosie laughs nervously. "There's nothing to see here, just two girls messing around," She says as she and Brianna start to pull the two girls away from each other. "Okay, Okay, you two need to stop this now. This is the third time this week since these little jokes has happened." Brianna tells them. Clementine could only chuckle nervously while Madeline crossed her arms in frustration.

"What's wrong with playing around a little?" Clementine said while shrugging. "It's always so boring in school."

"True, but it doesn't mean that you have to prank me everyday!" Madeline shouts which scares the other three for a moment before she starts to calm down. "Anyways, we gotta get to class." As they start to walk to class, Rosie couldn't help but feel weird for a moment before shakes it off and heads to class with her best friends.


Now our story officially begins in New York City, where beneath all of the people, buildings and noisy cars, there is more than meets the eye in the city of the Big Apple. Everything was peaceful and quiet. As the camera moves to the sewer, we see a lair that resembles an indoor home. With the expectation of a Dojo with a large tree in the middle of a normal family. We see four turtles in training. From the corner, the eldest of the turtles, with a blue mask with katanas, practicing with the youngest and baby of the family with an orange mask with nunchucks.

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