Prologue : The Disciple (Part 2)

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"So that's the expert commander was talking about.....but I thought he looks more.....outstanding than I ever thought....." Terry cannot believe this Huatnese man with black upper-straight hair who also seems to carry a sword right aside at his waist was the expert. "I thought he would be looking like a well-armed man with those armors, and suits or even look like someone who has powers.....this.....he looks so normal....." How can this man be an expert? Terry expected him to be somewhat hero-ish. (Yep, turns out he is a nerd inside.....)

But with the confident and friendly smile and expressions from the man, he couldn't refuse the vibe from him. With hands in his jeans pocket, he walks towards Paul.

"Hello, Paul, sorry for keeping you waiting! I bump into another one when I was around Rosefree. Took a little time but still made it." Said Daniel.

"It's fine Daniel! You're just about time to be with us, everything is prepared just waiting for your arrival to begin everything." Paul greeted him.

"So I heard you've been about to promote recently, my friend?"

"Ay Hey, don't forget it is you and the boys' help that I can be what I was today!"

"Nice, enough of the talking. You said you all secured a victim so where he is?"

"Oh right! He's right there at the last camp. Come on, you have to check on him, isn't it?"

"Ah yes, you know that will happen if I don't check him up. Don't worry, I too wanted to know him as well."

They both moved to where Carl was. Followed by both Kanses and Terry. Carl was feeling better in the camp for now, awaiting news from the forces.

"Hello, Mr.Benson. My name is Daniel, I'm the expert that officer Paul mentioned to you. I'm here to ask you about something." Said Daniel.

"H-Hello Mr.Daniel.....What can I help you with....." Carl welcomed him.

"It's alright, some of the things you know would give us a lot of help. Not only for the victims but also for your daughter. Trust me, I can help if you help me as well." He gave Carl a friendly smile. He closes the camp curtains and entrance, making the whole conversation to be private.

"Are you sure it's okay to leave him be with Mr.Benson? Commander, I....." Terry was worried about it. "It's alright Terry, he is a man full of kindness. He would never do things that are against his beliefs." Paul calmed the newbie down.

"Okay, now it's just you and me. Tell me what you see before you escape, Carl." Daniel pours a cup of tea and gave it to him. "I-I see a horrifying beast, it is 12ft tall. It has brutally sharp teeth and enormous claws, but the whole creature looks more like a goat than a beast. It had no eyes, the horns seems to cover it....." Carl described the monster he saw back in the forest.

"Vourmon Goat, the only one who fits your description."

"You can't fight it, it's too dangerous! It.....!"

"Oh no no no, don't be afraid Mr.Benson. Like Paul and I said to you, I'm the expert about these monsters. You can trust in me, I will save them."

Carl calmed down, he knows that worrying would not solve anything. "Just like how I believe in the commander, the same goes for you." He said.

"Thank you, also thanks for the information. I will bring them back. But before I go, I had to give you something important."

"What is it, sir?"

"I'll tell you."

A few minutes later, Daniel exits the camp and meets up with Paul and others. Paul and his forces have been well-armed, ready to keep the monster inside the perimeters.

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