S1 Episode 1: Tatha, The Scaredy girl (Part One)

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Rockhester Huat Ville, Rockchester City.....2:53 a.m.

An orphanage was located on the small hills on the west side of the Ville. The Jacksons Orphanage had been raising a lot of orphans throughout the years ever since its founding in the year 1990s. Sending and welcoming children of different ages till this day. Some of the children choose to live with new parents happily afterward, and some of them choose to stay at the Orphanage they grew and love. There were children that are special, outstanding, and lovable. But there are also some of them which are not very liking or.....made you stay away from them.

"Fwoosh....." The midnight wind blew in a comfy flow, making the trees look like they were dancing gracefully. A peaceful night indeed, where the children slept peacefully under nature's lullaby. But there is someone awake, unable to sleep.

The children slept in their dormitory which is built by two gigantic trees, which made the orphanage well known.

A little girl aged around 11 with black-colored long hair, with a mix of Briglish and Huatnese was staring outside the windows beside her. She is hiding under her blanket and seems to be waiting for something to show up.

The moment is silent.....nothing was there but the small woods around the orphanage and the walls that protected them.

She began to feel sleepy but held herself not to. But just for instance time when she is rubbing her eyes. She saw a staff-looking figure just outside her window very very close. She got scared immediately and lost her balance at the bedside.

"THUMP!!! BOING!!! PANG!!!" She fell down from her bed and knock on a few things, causing a lot of loud noises.

"Tatha!!! Ow!!! Not again!!!" The girls all woke by the commotion. They are very angry and annoyed by the girl's causes. "What are you doing?! You make us unable to sleep again!!!" They blamed her. She is very scared and coiled herself up, she doesn't say anything or make a noise like she is a dummy.

"Alright, alright girls! Stop blaming her again, just.....go back to sleep, okay?" A young adult woman came into their dorm when she was also woke by the noises.

"It's been years and every time she did this, Ms. Rebecca!" One of the girls complained.

"Yeah, we hardly ever sleep well! Why not let her sleep somewhere else?" Another one follows. 

"Or we can just send her to someone....." The other one is as well. 

"Just throw or burn her.....He He He....." Wow wow wow, kid.

"What?! Who taught you that?! Now get back to your beds, girls!" The woman named Rebecca is not happy and quickly sends them back to bed. The girls went back to bed unwillingly, one of them even kicked the scared girl. "NANCY! Say sorry!" The woman scolded her.

"Sorry, Tatha.....hmph!"

She then takes the girl named Tatha outside with her, feeling so tired yet sorry for her.

"Look Tatha, I cannot let you sleep with me forever.....You must learn how....." She tries to explain to her but seeing her innocence and trembling looks still makes her to be soft on her. "Okay Tatha, do you remember how many times you've woken me up when you're sleeping with me?" She asked her. Tatha thinks back.....images of her woken Rebecca a lot of times happening literally all the time show up in her mind, in many different ways of course.....She is embarrassed about what she did.

"Huff.....Tatha, I would this for you again. But you really need to learn how don't bother with anything that stops you from sleeping. Come on, let's go to bed shall we?" Rebecca then received a nod as a reply then they both moved to the teacher's dorm. But that staff-looking figure is still out there somewhere, looking at her.

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