Who is she?

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Fiona's POV
Ugh he's up I am going to get beat but here goes nothing. I thought opening the door with my back pack in my hand "No food as always." I whisper to myself noticing the bus was waiting for me I sprint opening the door I get on hoping this first day would be semi okay, I get on the bus Taking a deep breath looking for a empty seat I find one and sits. I look out the window laying my head on the cold foggy window worrying how my first day will go..

Hugh's POV
I hear my alarm go off. I get up with no motivation with anything, I get ready and I sit down and eats some honeycomb, I hear my mother say "I decided to buy some honeycomb for you! It's still your favorite ever since you were a child. So cute!" She smiled at me "Thanks mom" I said with a big smile I noticed the bus stop and gets up pretty fast and grabs my backpack and runs "Bye mom I love you! I will be home late I got to say after school for 1hour" I say stopping for a second "Okay hun Have a good day at school, I love you more!" she waved, And I ran and got on looking for a seat I noticed a girl sitting alone with her head on the cold window she Looked extremely cute, I wondered for sec Who is she, I've never seen her before? Is she new? I kept thinking until I heard a voice say "Over here Hugh!!!" I look around and it was Millard sitting alone I decided to sit by him and we finally arrived to school but I kept thinking Who is this Cute girl I walk into History class and sat down..

Fiona's POV
We arrived at school finally I walk in the halls confused with my schedule in my hand and started reading my first class "History on second floor at classroom 220.." I mumbled and went upstairs and looked at the classroom numbers not watching where I was going cause I was to focused on finding the room and then it went dark. I heard someone scream "WATCH WHERE YOU WE'RE GOING" I looked up and saw a dirty blond kid with black circles around his eyes then I noticed a girl with brown curly hair pull that kid and looked at me "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry hun, He is just very grumpy as always" She gave that kid the side eye and said "You must be new!!!, Well my name is Bronwyn Bruntley!! You can call me Wyn as a nickname and this is Enoch O'Connor  he is pretty grumpy as always but you'll get use to it" She said giving me a hand up but she pulled me up like it was easy "And what's your name!!" Wyn said with a smile "Fiona Frauenfeld.." I whisper "Pretty name, But we should head to class, what's your first class!?" Wyn said "History in room 220" I whisper again "No need to whisper!! Anyways I can walk you there" Before I knew it she grabbed me fast and we walked to history " I'll meet you by the door after class Fiona" Wyn smiled and left, I waved to her as she left and walked into class, I noticed everyone staring at me and the teacher smiles and said "Okay class today here's are new student her name Is Fiona Frauenfeld" I look down nervous "Fiona you can sit by Emma, Emma bloom will you please raise  your hand so she knows  where to sit" I see a hand go up and Saw a very beautiful woman with blonde hair and a very pretty light blue dress and walks to her and sits down
I felt a tap on my shoulder I look at Emma with a confused face" Hey Fiona I'm Emma as you already heard but you Can call me em for short, Soooo...Wanna be friends you look so nice.. I know it's early but do you wanna hangout at my place my parents would love to meet you!! " Em whispering with excitement, I looked at her and Nod. Then the bell rings..

Stay peculiar 💖🌷

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