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Fiona's POV
Me and Emma walk to her house, I space out thinking about Hugh,With a smile turning Rosie on the cheeks "Are you alright?" She said but I was to busy thinking about him and not noticing what she asked "Fiona are you okay you are a bit Rosie!?" She said and I snapped out of it "Yeah I'm alright! I must've been spacing out my apologies Miss!" I said quietly trying to cover my face "Fiona." She said looking serious "Hm?" I looked at her confused  "Why don't you talk? You seem scared to talk in a normal voice or you are just dead silent it's like your not there you and sometimes you just nod?" She looked at me while we walk on the side walk, I take a deep breath" Well..I have PTSD" I say looking down. There is more I would say but I just don't want anyone to know what it actually was cause it's just going to bring me back to the nightmare.. I think with tears forming but never falling out, "Oh I'm so sorry I hope you find the person who can help you to come out of your shell and see life different than what you've experienced" She said putting her hand on my shoulder and I just nod. We arrived at Emma's house and Oh my goodness its big!, We walk in "Wow it's soo pretty" I say, I've never seen this nice organized house ever, I love it! I wish my house was just like this but it will never after my mom died everything just went down hill, I'm the main reason she died and my dad hates me after that, If I could Change what happened to her I would. I think while  smiling at the pretty decor, I hear a voice from the kitchen "Hey em how are you!" I hear this very nice soft voice talk "IT WAS AMAZING MOM AND LOOK I MADE A FRIEND AND SHE'S NEW AND WE ARE GONNA HAVE A SLEEPOVER THIS WEEKEND WITH THE OTHERS!" She say happily while her mother walks out to us to introduce herself "Wow she's pretty! Well-" Her mother say but Emma stopped her in mid sentence "Her name is Fiona mother just so you know!!" Emma said "Well Fiona as you know I'm Emma's mother and you can call me Miss Abigail bloom!" Miss Abigail said hugging me "Well shall we have some dinner before you two disappear into Em's room" Miss Abigail said, Me and em walk to the table "Miss Abigail I'm not hungry!" I say just sitting down "Fiona you haven't eaten a single thing today are you sure?" Em said confused," No I have don't worry I did for breakfast! " I said lying to her, Em nods and get up and we walk to her room, She opens the door, I smell a very sweet candy spray and I gasp In amaze" Wow!! Your room is so pretty!! " she looked at me taking my backpack off and setting it on the floor with a smile" Thank you! Well why don't we have some fun Fiona let's do a spa!!!!! " She jump around" Okay! " I smile sitting on her bed while she got some fun face mask out of her drawer and opens it" I hope your not allergic to it it's one of those peel off mask" She said putting it down for a moment and puts a nice fuzzy headband on to keep my crazy messy hair out of the way" I'm not don't worry! " I say with a smile while she applied some on my face gently after a moment she got done and put some on her face also, While we waited for it to dry we got into are Nightgowns  and finally it was ready to peel, I go into her bathroom to peel it off, I pick at it and then I pulled it off, I walk out and I sat down while watching her peel it off "This hurts!" Em said With a smile, I nod "Anyways wanna watch a movie?" Em said finishing up and walks to her bed covering her up and grabbing the remote and turns it on to a random movie but during half of it I fell asleep and many minutes later she fell asleep...

Stay peculiar 💖🌷

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