The beach Part 1

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I wake up noticing Fiona was sleeping and changed into my clothes and looked outside, Very sunny day perfect for the beach, I walk out of my room making breakfast, I get a notification,I look, Its a text from the group chat, I read the text they sent
Millard: Yo Ems when do you want us to come?

Bronwyn: Please say now cause according to Claire's mom she's been to pumped about the sleepover and the beach

Enoch: Now why are we doing this your telling me I have to pack my bags just for a sleepover.


I replied with a
Emma: Come now I am making breakfast for everyone.

I shut my phone off and I got a quick response

Millard: Okay we will be there in 5 mins me and Enoch, Horace, Hugh, Jacob are together so we will be there shortly but I don't know about the girls.

Bronwyn: there not with me but I will be there in 2 mins don't worry

Emma: We will see you guys soon

Everyone: Okay!

I shut off my phone to a sudden knock, I open the door to find Olive and Claire "HII EMMA" Olive and Claire said excited "Hello girls please come in" I said while they gave me there bags "When are we going to the beach" Olive said sitting down on the couch "at 10 so we have time" I said getting back to making pancakes while the girls talked, We heard another knock "COME IN!!" I said while the door opened "Hello Bronwyn" I said "BRONWYN!!!" The girls said giving her a hug "Hey!" She said while putting her bag down "May I help" Wyn said with a smile "Sure!" I said while we cooked together, We got done and the door knocked again "Perfect timing!" I said walking to the door opening it "Why hello boys please come in and have a seat breakfast is ready!" I said looking at Bronwyn as she set plates on the table "Hey em" Mill said welcoming himself in just like the others "Girls Breakfast is ready!" I said sitting down at the table while watching the girls hurry to the seats "May someone please wake Fiona up" I said "I will" Said Hugh while I watched him walk down the hallway "Who is Fiona?" Said Claire "Yeah who is she" Said olive, I take a deep breath "Well she's are new friend!!" I said with a smile "YAY NEW FRIEND!!" They both said screaming "Can you two please shut up" Said Enoch  Bronwyn slammed her hand on the table "ENOCH O'CONNOR DO NOT EVER SAY THAT TO THESE CHILDREN IT CAN HURT THEM" Wyn screamed "Well it didn't hurt me so I don't care" Enoch said rolling his eyes "Can you two stop fighting.." I said annoyed

Hugh's POV!
"I will " I said and walked down the hallway opening the fancy looking door I walk in quietly and walks up to the bed, I look at her sleeping with an awe!! "You are very beautiful Fiona." I whisper, I move her hair out of her face and with a gently voice "Fiona." I shake her gently and repeated myself until she finally opened her eye "hm..?" She said, "Sleepyhead..Everyone is eating and then we are gonna get ready to go to the beach" I said quietly, She sat up yawning "Did you have a good sleep?" I said and surprisingly she spoke "I had a extremely good sleep" She said with a sleepy voice, I held a hand "Well you better get ready, I will wait for you" I smiled, She took it and got up and she got her clothes and went to the bathroom, And I waited, She finally got done and sprayed perfume all over her and we walked out..

Fiona's POV
I Felt someone shake me and repeat my name, I don't want to get uppp!! I think to myself, I open my eye "hm..?"I said looking at the person noticing it was Hugh! But I didn't want to get up "Sleepyhead.. Everyone is eating and then we are going to get ready for the beach"Hugh said will a nice gentle voice that could make me fall back to sleep" Did you have a good sleep" He also said I looked at him and said" I had extremely good sleep"I spoke with a sleepy tone of voice, I watch him as he held a hand out for me and said" Well you better get ready, I will wait for you" He said smiling, I nod and took his hand and we walked and I got my clothes and went in the bathroom and quickly changed into my outfit, Borrow Emma's makeup to cover up the cuts and bruises,I walk out and grabbed my perfume out of my backpack and sprayed it all over and we both walked out and into the dinning room" Well hello sleepyhead! "Emma said patting a seat for me to come sit by her"IS THAT FIONA WOW SHE'S SO PRETTY!!! " A little girl with Golden curly hair and a pink dress, I nod as I eat the pancakes slowly"Fiona I must introduce you to the littles, The one that spoke was Claire densmore, And the girl with the brown hair is Olive!! "Emma said with a smile, We all got done early and decided to go shopping for beach Items. I got ready putting on my shoes and walked to the big van that Emma rented for us, Emma opened the door for us of course Enoch said he dibs for shotgun but em took that spot we all got in and I buckle and Claire out her hand on mine..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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