Making friends

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Hugh's POV
I noticed that same girl from the bus I guess she is new I was correct, I space out staring at her and not even noticing but then the bell rang and scared the hell out of me and I began to leave, I try to look for her to introduce me and get to know her but it was too late she was by Wyn I guess I'll just talk to her at lunch if I can and No one is talking to her..

Fiona's POV
I see Wyn and I wave and noticed em was behind me "Let's introduce you to the others!!!" Emma said with excitement "GREAT IDEA" Bronwyn said Oh god I don't want to talk I hate talking!! Just calm down Fiona, You got this I kept reminding my self in my head. I feel them pull on my arm and run almost making me fall down "Em no need to Introduce Enoch I did that already" Wyn said  Em found Millard and we finally stopped running Thankfully, Huh he's..he's Invisible!! "Fiona meet Millard Nullings and yes you are not going crazy he is invisible, And Millard this is Fiona Frauenfeld" Emma said I gave an awkward smile and a thumbs up making me look stupid "OoOo, Well it's a pleasure to meet you Fiona" Millard said "Oh and before you go a lot of us have nicknames and your gonna get some to that's for sure but mine is Mill so you don't have to call me by the full name" He said, I nod with a smile and then off we went to find another one but this time Mill joined in "LOOK THERE'S HORACE, HORACE HORACE HORACE" Both em and wyn screamed, I see a very Fancy boy he looks gay. I see him looked at us "Who is this Em" He said with a very polite way "This is Fiona are new friend!!" She screamed  "OoOo how wonderful, She would go very well with us!" He Looked at me "Fiona this is Horace" Mill said while I waved with a fake smile," Don't worry there's more but we don't have time the bell is going to ring!! " Wyn said" Wait Fiona we have GYM OH MY BIRD LET'S GO" She pulled on me and I flew forward falling" Wyn be careful!, Are you alright miss Fiona" Horace said putting his hand on my shoulder, I nod and off we went to the locker room..

Hugh's POV
I headed to gym looking around the halls looking for her but no signs. I walked in the gym sitting in my spot watching some people walk in and I waved to them and gym was the best class cause all of my friends are in it!, I waved at Enoch but he ignored me like always. I see mill "Mill!!! Sit by me!!" I say and Millard nods and sits by me, Horace walks in complaining how he's gonna ruin his suit and sweat in it but the teacher ignores him rolling his eyes, Jacob and emma walk in talking together like always, I watch as a bunch of kids walk in, I see Bronwyn and That pretty girl walk in and they sit next to us, "Hello class So today for your warm up I will throw the marker somewhere and the person who gets to pick are whole warm up and after the warm up a new person will try to get the marker and they get to pick a game on what we will be doing, Got it?" The gym teacher says "Ready.." He says, Everyone spreads out and he throws it and Bronwyn caught it as always and wrote the warm up "One lap, 20 squats, 40 Russian twist, Lastly 1 lap" The gym teacher reads out as she wrote and everyone does the warm up and gets done with it and throws the marker one last time and I am terrified Enoch got it "Let's play dodgeball" He screamed with a grin on his face. "Everyone make a line in front of me" The teacher said, I got The new pretty girl, Enoch happily, And Emma and we started, After we where done with class my team one surprised, Now it was lunch And I get my lunch and sit down and everyone joins me, I notice her not eating "Why aren't you eating..?" I say, She looked at me and looked away "Hugh.. Don't be rude. Fiona that is Hugh Apiston, Hugh this is Fiona Frauenfeld, Oo and Jacob this is Fiona Frauenfeld and Fiona he Is Jacob Portman! " I Stare at her but she didn't respond she just looked like she was gonna cry.."Oh uhm I like your eyes " I say to her trying to get her to respond..

Stay Peculiar 💖🌷

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