Hugs & Kisses (Females)

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This was requested a while back but I do not remember who sent it in!! But thank you for the request!!
Hugs —

Natasha: She walks up and hugs you securely from behind

Pepper: Hugs aren't common in your relationship. She's a fast-pace business woman and you're not really a hugger. But, when you do hug, they're lengthy and you can feel the love.

Wanda: If you are ever having a bad day, you simply walk up to her and she embraces you without asking questions.

Shuri: Most of the hugs between you and Shuri occur while she's in the lab because you're trying to get her attention. You wrap your arms around her torso from behind, "Y/N, what are you doing?" "Just hugging my beautiful girlfriend.." Griot gives his input, "Princess Shuri, I believe Y/N would like your undivided attention.."

Valkyrie: Her hugs are strong. Granted, she is a warrior... what else would you expect from King Valkyrie?

Kisses —

Natasha: Kisses you passionately

Pepper: As I said before, she is a very busy woman. So, Pepper just gives you light pecks and goes about the rest of her day.

Wanda: Cups your face in her hands, tilting your head up, and kisses you sweetly.

Shuri: As a follow up to your hugs, you kiss her briskly making her want a longer, better kiss. And that my friends, is your genius Olán to get Shuri all to yourself.

Valkyrie: What you may intend to just be an innocent peck always turns into a make out session... always... aLwAyS.


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