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I did not mind Laura's company. It felt as if she was watching over me. When I was at school I would sometime fell stressed. I closed my mind and she appeared, we communicated with no words. Even though she did not speak her voice was soft and soothing. If I felt sad or lonely she was there to comfort me. She encumbered me in her calming aura.
A lot of people might think I don't have friends since I have this person in my head, but that isn't the case. I have many friend. We would play games and chat on video calls all the time. But Laura was different. She was an escape from reality, she understood me. I still hung out with my friend though, they are real thankfully.
Everyone needs to have there own little safe space though. Life can be harsh. So some people go to sunny fields, sunsets at the beach, or sitting with their family. But I was different, I couldn't understand why those feeling are so great. They feel empty. Out of nowhere a girl appeared. A girl I would fall in love with. The farther I fell for her, the more Laura faded away. I didn't care though. I was in love.

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