How we met.

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Have you ever, out of nowhere just think of a name. Not of someone you know, but just a name. You think of their name and a vague silhouette fills your mind, and you gave this random name a body for no reason. They now just exist, but only in your mind. You feel for them as if they where a long lost friend you just remembered. It is an odd feeling, but such a warm and familiar one.
Her name was Laura. She was not real, but she somehow appeared in my mind. I kept repeating the name in my head, "Laura, Laura, Laura". And then her figure appears in my mind. A lady with long bangs and hair that reached the base of her neck. Her hair had colour, but it could not be described. It was not an extravagant colour with a weird name that was hard to say, but it just couldn't be explained. It was as if there was no colour at all, but there it was. It was the same with her skin and face. It was not there, but I could feel it was. I could tell if she smiled or blinked even though she had no face. Her whole figure was like a blank slate, an empty canvas that somehow bursted with colour even though there was nothing there. All I knew was her name, Laura.
She was no imaginary friend or ghost, but a being that existed but didn't. We couldn't talk but we understood each other. We would just stare at each other and talk but with no words or the slightest movement. Most people would assume that I see her, like a hallucination or an apparition. That wasn't the case at all though she was just in my head, I could picture her but not see her. Her shadow would just appear in my thought and her name would repeat. I felt connected some how, like we where the same person in a way. But I knew the truth. She is not real.

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