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About 7500 years ago , ancient India witnessed a brutal war called the Mahabharata war which took place in the battlefield of Kurukshetra between the scions of the Kuru empire, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, sons of the late Maharaja Pandu and Regent emperor of Hastinapura, Maharaja Dhritarashtra respectively.

The enmity between the cousins was fueled by the cunning schemes of the then king of Gandhara, Shakuni who was also the maternal uncle of the Kauravas and the instigator of the infamous Dyutasabha which ultimately led to a huge war, whose devastating consequences perpetrated the entire Indian subcontinent. The huge losses in terms of population and resources had shaken the entire administrative systems of many large states like Kuru, Magadha, Panchala which included numerous smaller provinces, indigenous to different tribes. These various communities were bound to the kingdom by accession or by numerous mutually beneficial treaties and alliances.

However, after the Mahabharata ended these tribes taking advantage of the weakened administration, started to rebel and many declared their independence from the State. Those who were successful in doing so started establishing their own separate kingdom with the tribe chieftain as their ruler.

The situation worsened even more when these communities started fighting amongst themselves for various resources like land, food grains and livestock. But in between of this battle for power, the situation for women were worsening day by day. The social rights established by Maharani Krishna Draupadi for women had been buried and women were getting oppressed by armies of enemy kingdoms.

After almost a century of struggles and injustice, a flame of determination and fortitude was lit on the banks of the Ganga. 



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Copyrighted in 2023 by Rashmi_writes. All rights reserved. 

Disclaimer:- This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, events, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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