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There were various painful memories from my stay in my husband's home, the beating ,taunts, imprisonment in the attic. I was unable to bear children as I was exhausted by working at home and in the field like a slave. To add insult to injury my husband married again to another woman of the same village, who was a shrew and after this my life became more miserable as there was one more person to taunt me. My life became hell as the new wife ensured that I did not get any food. There was no point in complaining as it got me more beatings .I had reached a point where thoughts of killing myself entered my mind.

On one particular awful day when my husband kicked me out of the house, I started running ,he followed me to a certain distance then gave up and returned but I kept running and walking briskly with tears blinding me. Without thinking I just kept walking for a long time. As my feet started to hurt I looked around and realized that I was in the middle of the jungle and was lost. Sitting in the shade of a large banyan tree, I just dozed off.

I heard soft talking and woke up to see an old woman and two men beside her looking at me with curiosity. The old woman came forward and asked" Who are you child? Do you need water?"I nodded in the affirmative. After drinking the cool water I felt refreshed and the old woman continued "Why are you in the forest alone child? Have you lost your way? Is there anybody with you?". I had no answer to her questions and I did not want anyone dragging me to my husband's house again. Better me being food to a wild animal than going back to my miserable existence.

When there was no answer from me , the old lady shook her head and spoke again, "It is late in the afternoon and it will get dark soon .This place is not safe for you as there will be wild animals. My companions and me are going to find a camping place for the night , would you like to come with us ?My companions will make hot food and we can have fresh water from the jungle river." The old woman had probably realized that I was hungry. This was a very tempting offer as I had not had food since morning and the old woman's kindness made me accept the offer. At that point of time I did not care about consequences of what would happen to me by trusting strangers and just went with her without asking her who she was. In retrospect now remembering that, I feel I was so careless.

We walked a few kosas and came up to cave and the old woman decided to camp in the cave for the night. The two men immediately made a bed of hay for the woman and only then I realised the old woman was probably a noble woman who was passing through the forest with her bodyguards.

In the light of the burning fire I observed her as she went about tasks of changing her clothes, saying her evening prayers.

She was a tall, middle aged woman. Her hair was long and tied into a bun and few strands of grey were framing her cheeks, eyes were compassionate and this was what made me trust her. She had the agility of a warrior but her mannerisms told of regal upbringing. I could sense a that she was a strong woman who would not take any nonsense. As she finished her prayers she smiled seeing that I was staring at her and beckoned me to come and sit next to her. By that time the assistant had brought hot porridge in a bowl made of banyan leaves. Tears came to my eyes as this was the first time anybody offered me hot food other than my parents . In my husband's house I was given leftovers.

My tears had not gone unnoticed by the old woman but she chose not to say anything and let me finish my food in peace.

After a heartfelt dinner I thanked the old woman and her assistant for the feast. As we were lying down the old woman asked "you have not answered my questions as to who are you and what are you doing in this forest?" ,I realized that I could not lie to the woman and told my entire life story amidst sobs. She listened to me patiently and after my sobs died down she asked," Are you going to your parent's house?" I could not answer this 'how did she not know that my parents would never allow me into their house.' A married woman could not leave her husband and go to her parent's house as the custom was that once married the girl had to live with her husband come what may. The old woman understood my silence and asked me again, "do you want to go to your husband's house? We can take you there if you want". Understanding my silence The old woman asked again," Would you like to come with us?". I nodded in the affirmative, any place other than my husband's home was okay. At that time, it did not occur to me that I need to ask her where she would take me. The old woman was amazed and surprised by my answer but she left it at that and said, "take rest we have a long day tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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