Chapter 56 - The Battle of Hogwarts: Part II - Give & Take

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She was out of breath. Everything down to the last cell in her body was in pain. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt so heavy. She tried again and just barely managed to pry them open. As her vision came back into focus, she could tell she was still in Hogwarts, but she was not in the corridor she had been just moments ago. Had it been moments ago?

She tried to turn her head to look around, but it felt like her neck would snap if she moved it much more.

"Woah, woah, woah, take it slow there, Love." Fred said gently. She realized now that he had been holding her hand as he sat on the floor next to her.

"Are- are we in... the Great Hall?" Milena asked, her voice was hoarse and she felt completely out of breath.

"Yeah, Percy and Ginny helped me move you here." He quietly explained. "Just rest, we're safe for now."

"Is- is the war over?" Milena asked, trying to look around again.

"It's a little hard to explain, but not yet."

Wanting to look around a little better, she took a deep but unsteady breath then tried to push herself up. It took all the strength she had left in her, but she just barely managed to sit herself up. Fred didn't try to stop her, but he moved forward a little and propped up his leg behind her back to help keep her steady.

As she looked around the room, all she could see were groups of people scattered everywhere, some injured, some helping them, some looking for other people they had not found yet. It was devastating to see. Then, she saw the rows of blanket covered masses and instantly knew what was under them.

"How many?" She asked Fred, still staring at the rows.

"Not sure, there are people still checking for any more bodies." Fred replied.

Milena finally looked away from the number of bodies that were laying there. From where she was, she couldn't quite see who was actually in the rows, but when she looked back at Fred who couldn't seem to look her in the eye, she knew something had happened.

"Who was it?" She quietly asked, waiting for the blow.

"Remus... a-and Tonks..." He replied just barely above a whisper.

Milena stared at him in disbelief, unable to move or say a word.

"Mills... I'm so sorry. I-"

"I should go help." Milena cut him off. She wanted to think of anything else, do anything that could distract her.

She tried to gather up enough strength to pull herself up, but the attempt she made only sent aching pain through her back and legs causing her to fall back again. Fred just barely caught her, helping her back down a little more gently.

"Woah, alright, I think we both know that's not a good idea." Fred said.

"I just- I need to do something."

"You've done enough, Love." Fred said gently. "You saved my clumsy arse and took a rather nasty looking cruciatus curse, I would know."

Milena began to quickly grow tired just from sitting up and leaned back against Fred's propped up leg.

"I really don't know how you went through that twice in a row and survived." Milena finally said.

"I think it was sheer stubbornness." Fred smirked a little. "I was not gonna let Ivan be the one that kills me."

Milena laughed a little then winced as it sent another sharp pain up her spine. Every time a pain went through her, it felt like it was getting harder to breathe. All she could wonder was how Fred had managed through this.

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