The Dursleys

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It was the Christmas feast and it was time to go to the Burrow for Christmas I was excited to see Mum,Dad (Mr and Mrs Weasley) and the rest of the Weasley's but I was upset my parents weren't coming so I thought I'd pick them up a couple days before Christmas. Mum had sent Ron an owl saying George had finally opened the shop and his life was back on track he had been dating Katie Bell but things became awkward between them and they had decided to remain friends as of now he is dating Angelina Johnson. 

'Harry come on were going to miss the train' Hermione pleaded 'If your wondering where Ginny is she's with Luna' she continued 'She thought you've already left.'

I hadn't spoken to Ron after the duel so I went up to him and said 'Hey mate sorry for the duel but do you expect me to sit their and get hurt in front of god knows how many people and watch them smirk at me and tease me for Being the boy who got hexed by his best friend' Ron replied 'Sorry mate I should've expected you to do that now that you and Ginny are dating' so we started talking about quidditch and the match against Hufflepuff we are on the verge of winning the quidditch cup for the 8th time in a row. We had arrived and mum had greeted me with a hug. We soon apparated to The Burrow. There I realised I needed to get my photo album of my family and many other of my prized possessions from the Dursleys . 

'Gin' I said to her she replied 'Yes babe' I continued 'I need to go to Privet Drive tomorrow'. She gasped 'Why babe? I thought you had bad memories there' I said 'Yes but I need my family album and the mirror Sirius gave me along with other things' She kissed me and we went to bed and as Mrs Weasley said there was no funny business. 

I awoke in the morning when a fiery redhead gave me a peck on the lips she said ' Ready for today babe' I nodded and had a shower and went down for breakfast. I was tense mum saw the look on my face and said 'What happened Harry dear' I opened my mouth but my throat felt suffocated and the words couldn't escape. So then Gin said 'Harry's going to the Dursley's today to collect some of his stuff'. Hermione gave me a reassuring look and her boyfriend Ron nodded.

So me and Gin apparated  to the Little Whinging and knocked waiting patiently.


It had been a fortnight since we moved back in for all that we knew Hestia Jones told us the war had ended and said it was all we needed to know she didn't even tell us if Harry was alive and left me here dying in guilt luckily my girlfriend gets those newspapers and Harry is one of the most famous wizards of all time. Dad had divorced mum because I had a new Girlfriend her name was Cho Chang also she was a witch and she came here to stay with me and mum after dad had left because he spoke rudely to Cho and Mum after we had to go back.

RING!! I heard the doorbell, mum had told me to get it Cho had come behind me.

I stood there in Shock I couldn't believe who it was I stood there my body frozen.

'Big D! How nice to see you' Harry exclaimed and gave me a hug. Then he saw Cho and gave her a weak smile there stood a fiery redhead with freckles she smiled but failed to do so. After moments of awkward silence Harry broke it ' H-Hey Cho' he stuttered. I gasped 'You know Cho?'

'Yes, we did' My attractive girlfriend said 'We used to date in our old school date but it didn't really work out' she shrugged. I said 'Come in Harry we've got a lot to catch up on' So he entered and shuddered at the sight of the cupboard Cho gave me a Why didn't you tell me  glare I simply shrugged. Mum staggered 'H-Harry' and broke into tears. She told me and Cho Harry was the living version of Aunt Lily who kept reminding her of Aunt Lily. I saw the look on Harry's face it looked as though he was dying of guilt and he said ' A-Aunt Petunia  don't and gave her a quick hug' she smiled and said 'Oh Harry how can I ever thank you I'm really sorry I understand if you don't want to forgive me -' Harry cut her off ' It's ok the past is the past what we need to focus on is the future' and gave that angelic smile that I wished I had.

'I need to collect my belongings as well and then let's catch up on the last year' He said and I nodded in agreement. The moment Harry and Ginny left Cho put a silencing charm around us 'DUDLEY DURSLEY HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER IS YOUR COUSIN YOU KNEW THAT HE WAS FAMOUS AND YET NOT ONCE DID YOU EVEN MENTIONED HIM WHEN I ASKED ABOUT THE ROOM YOU SIMPLY JUST SHRUGGED' She shrieked.I gulped and shuddered I then calmly replied ' Babe first off me and my cousin were enemies I used to have a tremendously deep hate for him he never told me anything or that he was famous I just found out two weeks ago when you moved in' . She gave a stern nod and then kissed me on the cheek and went to mum


I went upstairs to collect my belongings with Gin who had a tight grip on my hand.I was shocked Cho is dating Dudley and Dudley he had a full on glow up he isn't now the fat pig I saw once.I went up to my room which was covered in a thick blanket of dust and picked up my belongings and said to Gin who was shocked like me 'Don't worry you're the only girl I love' and gave her a peck on the lips.We went down to Dudley who then gave me a hug along with Cho who I obviously felt awkward hugging and Petunia.Then with a loud crack we apparated to Hogwarts to collect mum and dad.(A/N: Ik you can't apparate in Hogwarts but Harry can because he defeated Voldemort and Lily & James will be camping outside the Burrow)

'How'd you do that son?' Mum asked. I replied 'Being the chosen one has it's advantages & disadvantages' Dad squealed like a girl. Me, mum & Gin cringed and dad smirked. With a loud crack we apparated.

Hey guys long chapter hopefully I'll try update today if not then tomorrow.


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