co-ed softball

430 18 0

Open a night as Mike and eve walk into the house as eve finished her soccer game  while  Vanessa  Kristen Mandy  Jeff and Megan  were in the living room watching  tv 

Vanessa: hey   how was soccer

Mike: ohh  another  thrilling  0-0 tie
This is  why  soccer  is  America's fastest growing  sport

(As Mike walks into the kitchen to get a water for himself  and eve a water  then walks back into the living room)

Eve: I don't know  why   coach  plays me in  defense   I score  tons of  goals in practice 

Mike: does  he know  you want  to play  forward 

Eve: he should

Mike: how   did you tell  him

Eve: no  but  when  he put me  as sweeper   I folded my arms  and  made a face  like this

(As eve had her arms folded  and angry look on her face)

Jeff: so  the coach  is  supposed  to know  how you feel    based on that  look

Vanessa/Mandy/ Kristen/Megan/eve: (in unison)  yes

Mike: if you  want  something  honey
You're gonna  have to speak  up
You know   sometimes  a door doesn't open    You're gonna have to break it down    you wanna  play  forward 
You gotta be forward 

Eve: like it says  on your mug

Mike: exactly

Eve: I don't want to take  someone  else's  position  and  hurt  their feelings

Mike: hurt their feelings   baby  this is what  sports  are  all about   hurting people's  feelings    if you're not hurting somebody's  feelings   you're losing 

Vanessa: now  there's  your mug

(Eve grabs here bags and goes upstairs)

Mike: are you  gonna speak up

Eve: (Groans in annoyance)

Mike: am I supposed  to understand  what you mean  by that 

Vanessa/Mandy/Kristen/Megan : (in unison)  mm hmm

Cut to the next morning as Mike and Jeff carry Jessica  as she is still  in her pajamas  walk  into the kitchen 

Mike: morning

Jeff: morning

(As Mike grabs a cup to pour himself some coffee  while  Jeff  was Jessica ready for breakfast  in her high chair
Mike  noticed  Mandy  on her laptop  looking  depressed  about something)

Mike:  (sighs)   what's the matter

(As Vanessa is in the back yard  reading the newspaper  as the backdoor was wide open  she could hear everything)

Vanessa: don't  engage  her    she'll stop working  and  start complaining

Mandy: this is ridiculous!  (Sighs)

Vanessa: too late

(As Mandy got up from the table with her own cup as she walks over to  Mike  who poured her  some coffee  too )

Mandy: I don't get it   if colleges really wanted  people  to go to  their stupid schools    why do they make  their applications  like  twenty pages long

Mike: you know   some of  the books  you'll  read  in college   are actually  a little  longer  than  that

(As Vanessa walked back inside  looking at Mandy's application on her laptop   while  Jeff  was  feeding  Jessica some  mashed bananas  and  cut up strawberries  )

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