Evil Within

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 A year has passed since the moon's prism fell from the night skies and was found by Jonadab, an evil and crafty man.

A lot has happened since then, like Herod's arrest, but Jonadab already finished planning what to do next, without the help of his bad friend. He was not able to reactivate the crystal, at least, not yet.

Today was the day that the three children of the villains would finally go on full evil mode, because the prism was ready for activation again.

Jonadab tapped the gemstone twice with his hand, and like always, it glowed a bright light, symbolising that evil had once again been set free to the three, Vania, Skylor, and Lloyd.

"And I won't stop it now," said Jonadab. "The time has come for good to stop fighting against evil and win."

In Shintaro, the Kingdom that Cole and Vania ruled, the couple was sleeping soundly in bed. Their one year old daughter, Lilly, was also sleeping quietly.

It was all soundless, until Vania felt something inside of her. An urge making her feel like she would want to do something bad and evil. This feeling was a feeling that Vania had never, not once, felt before.

Vania sat down on the bed, her eyes beginning to grow redder by the second. She tapped Cole on the head, this made Cole wake up.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Cole, yawning widely. "Why did you wake me up?"

"That's because if only you never arrived in Shintaro my father would not be in prison!" said Vania, angrily. "I wish the Dire bats had eaten you and your friends."

"You're the one who invited me here!" protested Cole. "And your dad was the one enslaving other creatures, plus, it was you who asked Hailmar to 'get him out of your sight', why blame me?"

Vania just scoffed at her confused husband scratching his head in wonder, and, annoyed for some reason, she left the room.

Vania had also awoken Lilly, making Lilly cry, as she was not really a big fan of getting woken up by a loud noise.

Cole took his daughter and placed her in his arms, while rocking her gently. Once Lilly was sleeping again, Cole placed her on the bed and went to look for Vania, somewhere in the castle.

"VANIA?!" yelled Cole, searching through every hall. "Where are you? She can't have disappeared, can she?" muttered Cole to himself.

While he was looking for his wife, who was nowhere in sight, Cole suddenly received a call from Kai.

"Hello?" said Cole, still looking around. "Kai? Why are you calling me? Is something going on in Ninjago?"

"Erm," said Kai, his tone had a scared feeling. "Well, you see, things are going horribly here. This morning, Skylor just suddenly raged and yelled at me for making Chen live in the Departed Realm after the Tournament. And after a few moments, Harumi called everyone saying that Lloyd became angry at her because his father, Garmadon, loved Harumi as his own daughter rather than Lloyd. But, right now, what I'm trying to tell you is that Lloyd and Skylor are raging mad at everyone in Ninjago and becoming like real villains!"

"Wait, so it's not only Vania who became angry at me for imprisoning Vangelis?" asked Cole, as he stopped in his tracks. "Also Skylor and Lloyd?"

"Vania, too?" said Kai. "I wonder what's happened to the three villain kids."

"Villain kids?" repeated Cole, a thought flashing into his mind. "What if there is something going on with Skylor, Lloyd, and Vania because they're the kids of Chen, Garmadon, and Vangelis!"

"Okay, okay, they're the children of very well known villains, but do you think that at one random day they'll suddenly decide to become evil like their parents or grandparents?"

Cole was about to respond, until he heard Lilly crying in the room again. He quickly ran towards the chamber and picked Lilly up.

"It's about time that you also woke up," said Cole, nuzzling with Lilly. "But for now, Daddy's just going to talk, okay?"

"Anyways, sorry about that, Lilly was just crying again. But maybe there is another villain trying to manipulate them and make them evil, too," said Cole. "That could be a possibility."

"Another villain?" asked Kai.

"I- I don't know," said Cole. "I just need to take care of Lilly first, then I'll go to Ninjago and try to sort things out. I'll just ask Hailmar to fill in with the duties that Vania and I have to do."

Cole dropped the call, to begin getting Lilly ready for the day. He first gave her a bath, then fed her some mashed food and gave her a bottle. As he set Lilly down in her carseat, Cole started the drive towards Ninjago City. Glancing at her from time to time.

"What the-" gasped Cole, once he reached Ninjago. "Everything's a mess. Buildings are broken. People keep screaming for help. And it's just horrible."

Cole parked near Kai's house, because he and the other Ninja agreed to meet there. To discuss what happened with Lloyd, Skylor, and Vania.

"Cole!" said his friends, seeing him enter. "You're here!"

"Of course," grinned Cole, carrying Lilly. "Let's get to the point. Now that I'm here."

"Okay, so this morning, I was woken up by Skylor yelling and accusing me of things that I forgot since the time of the Tournament of Elements," said Kai. "Oh, and I can't forget that she said that she wished she never met me and never married me."

"Lloyd also woke up like that," said Harumi. "He said that his father loved me more than him. His own son."

"How about you, Cole?" asked Zane, taking down notes about everything that happened. "What did Vania say to you when she woke up this morning?"

"Oh, nothing much," said Cole. "All she said was that she wishes I never went to Shintaro so that I would have never imprisoned Vangelis."

"Okay, those are all interesting and all," said Jay. "But I think we have a bigger problem here. ("What?" asked the others) WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE THEY?!"

"Geez, Jay," said Cole, calming Lilly down. "Probably somewhere around here. I mean, they can't just suddenly burst in the house and yell a surprise at us."

"Really, Cole?" asked Nya. "Because from my point of view, I think that's what they're EXACTLY going to do."

"What do you mean?" asked Cole, turning around. "Oh, shoot."

Once Cole turned around, he saw Lloyd, Skylor, and Vania standing outside of Kai's house. Although they did not know that they were there, Cole saw that all the things that Vania did, she would never do. If she was in her proper self.

The others turned their backs from the window to begin discussing the plan, but Cole just continued looking. He stood there, until he saw another man, marching along with the three of them.

This other man was holding a thing that looked a whole lot like a gemstone. A ruby, probably.

Little did Cole know that this guy was actually Jonadab, the one who hypnotised the villain kids.

"Er, you guys?" called Cole. "Do any of you recognise him?"

The others stared intently at Jonadab, cackling at the sight of fear in every person, small or big.

"He is not in any of my databases," said Zane, shaking his head.

"I think I may have a lead to this person who hypnotised Lloyd, Skylor, and Vania," said Cole, not prying his eyes off Jonadab. "And I think it's that guy. I have a bad feeling."


I ended up finishing this chapter while bleeding like crazy. Because while I was experimenting on something in my workplace, I ended up moving backwards, hitting the back of my foot, and now, I'm at home, but bandaging my wound. And I'll be honest, it's so deep and my cloth is so red.

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