True Love

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This chapter is quite short. At least, shorter than the others. 



 Lilly had awoken in Cole's arms after she heard some more screaming and things falling. She looked out the window, and saw Vania there outside.

"Mama," said Lilly, pointing towards her mother while tugging on Cole's shirt collar.

Cole tried to make Lilly stay still in his arms, but he was unsuccessful and ended up placing LIlly down on the couch. Even though she was already in a different place, Lilly still kept her eyes on Vania.

"Looks like someone misses her mama," said Cole, stroking beautiful amber Lilly's hair. "Don't worry, Lilly. We'll make sure that they'll all be back to normal soon."

"We could do that," said Zane. "But, first, we need to plan everything that we will do to avoid being defeated by them."

"They are pretty powerful now," said Kai, nodding towards the outside. "How will we make a plan, though?"

"We could just go surprise party style for them," suggested Jay. "They will never know what's coming next."

"We could do that, but what about Lilly?" asked Cole, looking at his daughter. "Who'll take care of her?"

"I could!" said Harumi. "I'll take care of Lilly while all of you are gone. Besides, I don't think you all will be gone for that long."

Cole thought about it for a while, then after everything, he finally agreed to let Harumi watch Lilly while they were gone.

"We better get going now," said Kai, hurriedly rushing out the front door. "Before it's too late!"

"Hold on, Kai," said Zane, stopping Kai. "I do not believe that we can fight them by wearing these. We need our gi. That will work better."

Kai rolled his eyes, but still went to the closet to get his old Ninja gi from before. Although, for the others, it was left at home.

"Er, Zane," said Cole, nervously putting his right hand on his neck and scratching it. "I did not bring my Ninja gi along with me."

Zane smiled and handed the others a suitcase filled with some new Ninja suits. Colours of red, blue, black, grey, and white.

"Sweet!" exclaimed Jay, running towards the case and picking up the blue gi for himself. "Where did you even get this so fast!"

"P.I.X.A.L. thought that we would soon need new gis," said Zane. "So she made these not so long ago."

"Epic!" smiled Cole, grabbing the black gi.

For a couple minutes, the Ninja suited up and after they did, they went out the door to check out their new foe.

"Daddy," said Lilly, as Cole was going out the door.

"Daddy's just going outside to see what's happening," said Cole, patting Lilly's small head. "But I'll come back soon, with Mama. Okay?"

Lilly gave a small nod, Cole smiled, and gave Lilly to Harumi for the time being.

"Sorry for taking so long," said Cole, meeting his friends on one side of the alley. "I just had to clear things up with Lilly before I left."

"Okay," said the other Ninja.

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