The Kingdom of Ophir

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Then were the king's scribes called at that time in the third month (that is, the month of Sivan), on the three and twentieth day thereof; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded, unto the Jews and to the lieutenants, and the deputies and rulers of the provinces which are from India unto Ethiopia, a hundred twenty and seven provinces, unto every province according to the writing thereof and unto every people in their language, and to the Jews according to their writing and according to their language.

And he wrote in King Ahasuerus's name and sealed it with the king's ring, and sent letters by post on horseback, and riders on mules, camels, and young dromedaries.

Esther 8:9 - 10

"This place reeks," said Kai, placing his hand on his nose. "How could anyone live with this smell?"

Kai, Harumi, and Cole were now walking around the castle's hallways. All of them were privy to having a very low chance of surviving here.

They just crept around the palace, until a voice rang.

"Sirs! We got some booty from the sunken galley!!" said the voice. Cole could also hear jingling sounds. "Everything in this chest is covered with gilt."

"Must be from the jewellery in that box," Kai muttered under his breath. "What do you think we should do about this? Stop him or continue on our way?"

"If we stop those crooks, then that would definitely destroy the plan that Zane instructed us to do," said Cole, thinking about it. "But, it just does not feel right to not do anything about this crime."

"So, what do we do?" asked Kai, confused.

"We have to stop them before they do something bad with it," said Cole. "It's the right thing to do."

Kai nodded, and when they entered. They saw their real destination.

It was a very large meeting room, no one noticed them enter, as the crooks and villains were in a gypsy. Each of the villains held shiny, real, gold items.

Everything seemed fine, until one man spotted them. He yelled, by instinct, "THOSE ARE THE NINJA!"

The grotesque faces glowered, many bad men and women were there, but Lloyd, Skylor, Vania, along with the other four men were not inside.

Everyone charged at the two Ninja, and Harumi, but they were stopped dead. They were stopped by a man, hair and beard, a silvery blonde, very light blue eyes, vampire pale skin, and dark blue robes. (I have a little thing with robes)

"Why, why, I do not think that charging at our guests is the right thing to do," said Jonadab, as he entered, a staff in his hand, which was holding about eleven men. "You lot should be more friendly to them."

"But, Sir, these men and that woman are here for the green one, the owner of the noodle house, and the gold headed princess," said one of them, oblivious to what was happening and to what his "master" was talking about.

"Shut it," replied Jonadab, as he silenced him. "Anyways, as they have said, you are looking for our brand new allies, Vania, the daughter of the former King Vangelis, Skylor, the daughter of Chen, and, we can not forget Lloyd Garmadon, the son of the infamous Lord Garmadon."

"You have something to do with their new transformation, don't you?" questioned Cole. "You have done it!"

"Don't be so quick on judging others, Brookstone," snarked Jonadab. "And, for your information, yes, I did have something to do with those three villain kids." he gave a little smirk as he said the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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