Chapter 3

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I'm probably going to mess up the personalities and stuff from here on out, but hey, don't kill me for it, I'm trying my best!

~Sasha (Wolfie)


I lie on the super-soft white mattress, just looking around what I can see of the room in wonder. I notice the left side of the bed is pushed up against the wall, so I can only escape from the right side. Oh joy.

How on earth did I get here? More importantly, where am I? Where is 'here' exactly? It must be someone's house, because you wouldn't have this out in the wilderness, but I don't remember anyone being nearby to kidnap me whilst I was asleep. After all, that was why I went to sleep in the first place. Clearly I was wrong. I remember hearing some faint noises just before I drifted off, but I didn't know what they were. I still don't as they were quite muffled, but now that I think about it the only thing it could have been was footsteps.

I look down and sigh in irritance, biting back a loud growl. Someone had the nerve to change me into pink silk pyjamas. Pink silk pyjamas, of all the worst things to dress me in.

At least I kinda like silk. I think. And then that brings up another question- who had the nerve to change me? And if it's someone I know, why did they dress me in pink? Of course, if it's Poland I can understand to some extent as he never seems to get the message that I hate pink. Then again, he wouldn't bother to dress me; we're not exactly friends. But anyone else is just, what the hell? Why?

I turn my head to the right to see the curtains better, and run my left hand over the light blue material as I try to work out what they're made from. It's something that's sort of like silk, but it's see-through to a certain extent, that I can make out where the light is coming from, and shadows, but that's about it...

I'm interrupted quite rudely from my thoughts when I hear footsteps approaching and roll over onto my back properly since I slightly tilted myself to reach the curtains,  narrowing my eyes at the ceiling as two hands appear on either side of the curtain edges. They gently pull apart the curtains as though they would break apart if too much pressure was put on them.

Or if something precious was contained inside...

"Vee~ Zubicu, you're awake!" I can't help but smile as I see Italy's bright amber eyes beaming down at me from the side of the bed, and nod my head slightly.

"Yes, so it would seem. Where am I?" I ask, attempting sitting up to talk to him better, only for a sharp pain to stab through my right side like a sword driving in there very deep and dragging along a line. I cry out in pain, my hands shooting to my side. His eyes widen and he gently grips my shoulders, pushing me back down onto the bed.

"No, Sasha, you need to rest." I freeze at the use of my human name rather than my country name that I'm so used to hearing, then eventually give in with a sigh and allow him to gently ease me back onto the bed. I thump my head back onto the soft pillow, allowing my head to just rest.

"OK, fine, but where am I and what happened to me?" I demand, staring up at the ever-cheerful Italian.

Italy sits back up to give me space and just sits on the side of the bed next to me, leaning back slightly on his hands so he can look at me properly. "Well, we- by we, meaning Doitsu and I- were out in the woods, looking for you since Japan asked for us to scan there. It took us quite a while, but eventually we found you in the woods. You were fast asleep, and the fire was just a bunch of embers on the ground by that point. Pirate!England was there and he was trying to kidnap you, but he couldn't move you. Of course, we didn't want him to take you. Germany was really brave and fought him away from you, but you woke up and got in the way, trying to fight both of them for reasons that I don't know and neither of us have figured out yet, and England's sword ended up stabbing you in the side. I managed to get you out of there after that because your injury made Pirate!England go back to England, and we could take advantage of the time it took for him to return to normal and realise what was going on for Germany to knock him out and grab your stuff, and then for me to pick you up and run. It's not particularly deep, more like a long slash. As for where you are, well, you're in my house." he explains.

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