Chapter 16

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Well, sleeping last night was awkward. Turns out Spain decided not to change the room and leave it as it is, meaning yes, Kiku and I had to sleep together. We kept our clothes on, for you pervs who want to know. We're not that stupid.

When I wake up in the morning, I find I'm looking at the door, my back pressed up against Kiku's chest, his arm over me. I think he must've gone to sleep after me and pulled me against him before he did. Normally, I'd fight free and yell at him for touching me, as neither of us like being touched at all. In particular, I don't like my back being touched, it's almost like I have a phobia of it. Which is another reason why I hate France. But today I'm too tired and surprisingly comfortable in his arms, so I let my eyes shut again. Before I know it I've fallen back to sleep.

I look around the plan of my island, the builders behind me. Finally, I nod, smiling and explain to them the plan. "The castle will go on the west coast. It'll be overlooking the sea, but too far back for it to be at risk to erosion. You know, typical Medival style. That's where the ruler of the land will be. Military forces' bases will be based around the castle for protection." I explain. They nod. "OK, good. The capital will be in the north of the island and the south will be a tourist spot as that's the prettiest area. We'll also have beach huts there that people can rent out." The people handling the buildings leave to go start work. "We'll have roads connecting the entire island, and several other towns. The east will stay uninhanbited and untouched so tourists who go there will be able to get a feel for what the island was like beforehand. We won't have any roads through here." I explained, circling the area which wouldn't have any roads. "Instead, we'll have them cutting around the area. The main shopping centers will be in both the north and the south, but souvenir shops will be in the south only." Looking up after explaining, I stare at them. "OK?" They nod, and get to work...

I wake up again and realise it's late afternoon. Sighing, I go to get out of bed, only to realise I am still pinned to the bed by Kiku, who's sleeping peacefully. I smile, but gently shake him awake. "Kiku, Kiku, wake up~" I say in a soft, singsong voice as I try to wake him. He grumbles something as he eventually wakes up. He looks up at me and blushes. Rather than shouting at him or reacting like normal I simply bend down and kiss his cheek briefly, making him blush an even darker shade of red, before pulling back, sitting up. "C'mon, it's afternoon. We'd better get up." He nods and lets me get up, following suit. I smile, and we go to the dresser to get our clothes out. I find Spain must've paid a trip to my house before coming to get me, because most of my clothes are in here. I get out what I need and he gets out what he needs before we go to seperate sides of the room to change. I can't help thinking of that dream...

It was probably important for something. If only I could remember it properly.

Sighing, I turn around once I'm finished changing, making sure not to go the long way so I avoid seeing Kiku if he's not done. I turn to the desk and go over to it, making sure to avoid looking at Kiku or in his direction. Once I've reached it, I pick up the hairbrush that somehow appeared there overnight- I suspect Spain's work again- and set to work brushing my hair, at the same time thinking over the plans for the day. After we're both ready, we'll go down to breakfast. Then for Kiku it'll probably be working like on England's ship, and for me it'll be those stupid 'lady classes' again. I'm surprised men even know how to educate a lady, and I suspect Poland has somehow had a hand in helping out from behind the scenes. I smile at the thought- it was always like Poland to want me to be ladylike, just because I was the opposite of it. That's why we often fought. But we still got along somehow, even though we didn't like each other's fashion sense.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and freeze at the thought there's someone touching my back, but relax when I read their surface thoughts and find out it's only Kiku. Smiling, I turn around to face him, wrapping my arms round his neck. I lean my head against his shoulder and let my eyes close, wondering what we're going to do. England will probably be after us, and he'll be pissed that Spain of all people captured me. Pirate England and Conquistador Spain have been enemies for so long even I don't remember when it started, and I'm their closest friends. I think. Recently it's been hard to tell who my allies are. I used to think England was my friend, but it seems he was just trying to get to me. But he was a good guy before. Something's happened to him...he isn't normal. I don't know what, but I want to help get him back to normal.

Eventually, Kiku and I part again when we hear a knock at the door. Pulling it open, who should I see but Spain at the door, looking at us. "Had a good night's sleep?" he asks. I nod.

"Yes, surprisingly well. I'm not fond of sleeping on ships, and I'm sure Japan isn't either, but we managed." I try to muster a glare at him, but I'm secretly happy. That bed was really comfortable, which was the main reason I slept. He grins at me and before I can say anything else, grabs my wrist. "C'mon then, let's go get breakfast!" He tugs me forward with such enthusiasm I nearly fall over. I grab Japan's wrist as I regain my balance, laughing, and follow Spain. Suddenly, curiosity takes over. Reading Spain's thoughts, I'm suddenly fighting to surpress a blush. He was thinking, I'm sure she was happy Japan was sleeping with her too, not just because of the bed. I know how much she has nightmares. I deny it of course, but don't blurt it out because I don't want to get caught.

........OK, maybe Kiku being there to help ward off the nightmares did help.

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