Chapter 36

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A few days have passed since the meeting with Flicrote's boss. I lie in my bed on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Now mine and her boss are arguing all the time over this alliance. I managed to convince my one that he doesn't want to sign it either, so that's a plus. But....I feel so useless! I hope Tanegashima doesn't catch wind of this. She's been cut off from the world for who knows how long. I have no idea what she'll make of it.

Does she even know who Flicrote is? It's not likely, but...ah, whatever. Sukrutra's nudging at my leg again. I smile and sit up, the blankets falling to my waist as I reach up to scratch behind her ears. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up, walking over to the curtrains. Throwing them open, I look at the front garden and the street outside.

"Another peaceful day." I say to myself. I look over my shoulder to Sukrutra, a smile on my face. "Hey Sukky, why'd you wake me up?"

"Haven't you heard your brother downstairs?" she asks, turning her body to face me. "America wanted to talk to you. He said it was important, but wouldn't tell me why or what it is, just to get you down there as soon as possible."

I nod, turning away from the window. "Alright. Tell him I'll be down in a moment." I say, going into the bathroom to shower and change. I hear Sukrutra's pawsteps desend the stairs, and sigh in relief, closing the door.

After I've showered and changed into my traditional uniform, the clothes that I first got from China back at the start of England and Japan fighting over me, I walk downstairs. America's sitting at the table, gorging himself on a huge pile of hamburgers. Looking at them makes my stomach flip over in disgust, but I sit down anyway. "What did you want, big brother?" I ask politely.

"Oh, hey sis. Well, I saw you guys at the park the other day, and I wanted to hang out with ya. That OK?" he asks.

I sigh. "As long as you don't take any hamburgers or food or whatever with you, then fine."

He grins and hugs me. "Knew you'd agree, sis. Alright, let's go!" He practically drags me out of my seat.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands first?!" I ask, shocked and horrified at the same time.

He puffs out in defeat and goes to wash his hands. I smile, dusting myself down, and put my satchel on, before walking outside and whistling for Sukrutra to come with me. Outside, I swing up onto her back and wait for America. Not long after, he joins us and we set off.

I ride Sukrutra down to the park again, with America sitting behind me on her back, laughing at how much he's enjoying himself. Honestly, you could hear his whooping a mile away. When we arrive at the park, I dismount Sukrutra and help America off too, then take the padded ball out of my satchel. I smile, spinning it around my finger. "Hot potato!" I yell, tossing it to Sukrutra, who throws it to America, who throws it back to me. We all play hot potato for a while like that, laughing and whooping, before I notice someone approaching. Just as I catch the ball, I realize they look familiar. I stop playing, keeping a hold of the ball to watch them.

The girl skips along, with a very strange creature pulling on the lead she's holding. She sits down on a patch of grass a good distance from us, and starts to play with the strange animal.

I continue to watch the girl. "She has a strange pet." I mutter. America looks at me. Then, before I know it, two strong arms wrap around my waist, lifting me clean off my feet into the air. America holds me above his head, his hands splayed out across my back as his arms stretch the full way up above his head. I scream in surprise as he runs me around in circles. "AMERICA, YOU BAKA, PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell.

Suddenly, I hear a voice. "Hey!" calls a familiar voice. I look to see the girl running toward us, waving. "It's me, Tami!" she yells rather loudly. She suddenly stops and stands there, looking at her feet awkwardly as the strange animal sits by them. Briefly reading her surface thoughts, I realize it's because she's noticed America. I laugh.

"I thought I recognized you!" I yell over to her happily. I look down. "America, can you please put me down?"

America pouts, but sets me down. "Only this once, dude."

I laugh, and run over to her. "Hey there! How've you been?" I ask. Sukrutra follows to stand behind me, and I reach a hand up to scratch her chin.

She smiles. "Cool, I've been great! You?" she asks. She seems to be holding something back, but by reading her surface thoughts I don't gain any information. "Sorry, I haven't introduced you to my pet!" she says suddenly, drawing me from my daze and gesturing at the strange pet, which I now notice resembles a crab with no claws. "This is my Triop." She throws the ball again, ans the triop scuttles after it. "It plays fetch, just like a dog!" she says.

I laugh. "That's so cool! I was wondering what it was." I say, watching it. "Do you have a lot of strange creatures like that in your country, then?" I ask. Sukrutra also watches it, evidently confused by it, which only makes me giggle.

She nods. "Yup!" she chimes, before looking around a bit more nervously. "Hey....Well, I might have to go soon. I have a date with Prussia this evening."

I smirk, winking. "Date, eh~?" I say teasingly. Sukrutra smacks me over the head with a huge paw. "Ouch!" I wince, rubbing the back of my head and looking up at her. "What the hell?!"

"Don't tease. It's not nice." she says, glaring down at me, before turning to Tami. "You look like you're hiding something, anyway. Is there anything else you wanted to talk to us about?"

"And you tell me to watch my manners!" I yell indignantly, looking up at her again, earning another smack.

Tanegashima chuckles. "Not that kind of date. I just...Well, he arranged to meet at Russia's place so we could have an epical snowball fight! But... Russia won't be very happy. Since he's currently fighting a war with Germany.'' she says, smiling at Sukrutra, ''Thank you for being concerned, but I'm fine. Honestly... "

I smile. "Coolio. Oh, say hi to him for me too, will ya? Last time I saw him was when I was a chibi." I say, grinning like America. "Oh, and I'm still open for help if ya bro needs an assassin behind the lines." I wink on the last sentence, my grin once again turning into a smirk.

She laughs, nodding. "You know him, he loves a good snowball fight!" She chuckles. "So.... You only saw him when he was a chibi?!" she asks, seemingly shocked.

I nod. "Sure does. And yeah, he actually raised me for a while, believe it or not. He handed me over to Spain after a couple of months because Germany and I kept fighting and I liked it better at his place, but yeah. I saw him a couple other times, like my first World Meeting, but other than that that's the most time I've interacted with him." I laugh nervously. "I tend to keep to myself, my brothers,  and Spain and Romano, more often than hanging out with new guys."

"Whoah, cool!" she laughs, and looks around once again. She seems to notice something. I look where she is, and my eyes widen as I see what she sees.

A white scarf.


I turn to look at Tami, who's already looking at me nervously. Suddenly, she shoves me. "RUN!" she yells.

I don't need telling twice. I grab America by the arm as I run to Sukrutra and practically throw him up onto her back as I swiftly scale her side, swinging into my seat and gripping her neck fur tightly, shoving forward. "See ya!" I call back as Sukrutra breaks into a sprint, pelting away from Russia. America laughs as we run away, which only causes me to laugh too. His laughter's just too funny to resist laughing along with.

We make it back to our house quickly. I dismount Sukrutra in one swift move and lead her and America inside. Sukrutra settles in her normal place by the fire, and I sit down on her back again, before lying down along her spine, her soft fur acting as a pillow. America flops down on the sofa opposite me and is asleep in seconds. I chuckle and watch the fire, eventually drifting off myself.

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