Sweet secret 🍬 Lloyd x male reader

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Sorry I didn't get this out sooner I've been busy with work and stuff. So I made this chapter and the one before longer I hope you all like it
This chapter was requested by
This is a lime

You and Lloyd were both Bisexual you were open to the ninja but as for little Lloyd uhhh... that was a whole different story. Imagine the news line 'GREEN NINJA LLOYD BISEXUAL!" It wouldn't look great. And you both didn't know how the guys would react to you both being in a relationship.

Any whoo this is how todays going.

First person pov

You and Lloyd was just finishing up training you were both trying to tame your element more and learn more tricks. Your elements was harder to master than you thought as your element is (y/e).
As you wiped your face with the towel you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Chuckling you lean back into the hug the smell of sweat, deodorant, and sweets filled your nose somehow it was somewhat felt comforting yet so vile. "Hey babe let's go get changed then go for lunch." Lloyd said into your neck, his warm breath swaying down to your spine making you shiver slightly.
You turn around loosely hugging him back smiling, "That sounds like a plan. Are you having a shower if so I get it first." He jokingly pulled a shocked face. "No fair you take so long in the shower." "Well it's other a long shower or I smell when we go out." It was so nice being in a relationship with Lloyd he was cute, funny, great body, childlike and so much more.

You both met at darkleys school for bad boys, he was new so you and Brad showed him around and showed him how things went down and who to look out for. Even though yous knew yous were only 12/13 (I don't actually know his age but what you gonna do?) you knew you were gay but no one knew not even your family. As you and Lloyd hung out more you became close and the best off friends you could tell each other anything but you was still scared to tell him that you were gay. One day you went for a walk in a near by park. You knew you was going to tell him but how? And what if he doesn't want to be friend anymore. You was so deep in thought that you didn't realise you stopped and was having a paining attack and lloyd had sat you down trying to get your attention. You suddenly snapped out off your
Thoughts and took a deep breath and was struggling to breathe and you couldn't think and was freaking out not knowing what to think say or where to look. "(Y/n) look at me breathe with me in for 4 out for 5." You tries but it wasn't helping at first. "Come on look at me calm keep breathing you will be fine In a few minutes." You kept breathing like he said, and you started to calm down. Once you was fine and calmed down Lloyd waited for a couple more minutes until he spoke up. "(Y/n) what happened are you ok?"  You took a deep breath. "Lloyd there's a few things I need to tell you but if I do I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to be friends anymore." He looked at you and said "(y/n) your my best mate you can tell me anything." (Wow that sentence shows how British I am.)
You took a moment to think. "Soo first thing is I have bad anxiety that's why i went like that I had an anxiety attack I don't always go like that I get different types of anxiety attacks some are more silent than others." He looked at you shocked. "Ok that's fine if you get like that again I'm here if you need help." You both smile as you say a small thank you. "What else did you need to tell me." "Oh umm well I don't know how else to say this but I'm bisexual ." You looked at him as he proceeded it and his face soon lit up and he sighed with relief. You looked at him confused "what's wrong." You say. "Omg! There's nothing wrong I'm just glad I'm not the only one." It took you a minute to realise what he said. "No way your gay!"  He smiled brightly saying "yeah I realised when I turned 12 that I found no attraction to girls but I did to guys." "That must be one off the reasons we became close quickly." "Yeah well I'm glad we're in this together." You smile "same"

He stops looking to the side slightly in thought. "Unless...?!" He said looking at me smugly, knowing what he wanted you smile but decided to tease him. "Unless what?" His face became a little red. "Unless! We take a shower together!" You puled a face as if you was thinking then smile. "Well why didn't you say so let's go." He chuckled and stared walking to the door. You jogged up to him and smack his ass saying, "See you up there sexy." And sprinted knowingly he would be chasing you. Luckily you have a bit more speed.

But as you were running you didn't realise the step going down, and being the clumsy person you are you missed the steps falling face first. As you sat up a pain went up from your left ankle to your knee "Aghhhhh" you grasp your leg as you struggle to breathe, as you struggle to breathe your heart starts to race and pounds as if it was trying to get out of you left chest, your vision becomes blurry and you struggle to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. You feel a hand on your shoulder's gently pulling you back into there chest.

You hear the soft voice of your boyfriend. "(Y/n) it's ok I'm here, close your eyes and breathe 4,3,2,1." You close your eyes. You listen to Lloyd as he counted up and down each breath getting slightly longer to calm your heart. You soon calmed down but your ankle still hurt.

You turn your head and he slowly gets up leaning against the wall leading over you. You blushed on how close he was. He looked at you with passion,love, and worry as he slowly leans into a kiss one hand on the wall and the other on your hip, while yours was on his shoulder and one on his abs slightly going up and down. It started to get a bit heated then a voice yelled

"I FUCKING KNEW IT JAY YOU OWE BE £20." You both pull away to see Cole and Kai standing there with smug looks. Your faces went bright red as Kai said.

"Don't worry we knew from the start you too would some how get together." Lloyd jumped up chasing kai as Cole came over and helped you to your bedroom. After 30 minutes of Lloyd chasing Kai he came in sweating.

"Lloyd?..." "yeah." He looked over to you. You smirked. "Lock the door and get over here.. let's finish what we started.."

"Hell yeah."

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