10 || the keeper's absence

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Most walls are designed for the purpose of protection, for separation and security, yet Mariko soon finds herself questioning if the Hollowmirans had built theirs for no other reason than to forbid the world a mere glimpse of their home. A shield, but against no weapon save the human eye. Or perhaps, she wonders, there had been a weapon, but something no wall, no matter how towering, could provide adequate security against. Like a storm. Something had blown through here, that much is certain. But in a fantasy world like Paracosia, placing what sort of storm it might have been is much less certain.

Piles of dirt and stone and rubble from wrecked buildings lay scattered throughout the empty city streets, illuminated by an eerie blend of the natural moonlight, as well as the lamp posts which Mariko can't believe are even functioning at this point. Maintenance proves to be far down on the list of these people's priorities. Then again, if her intuition serves her well and 'survival' sits at the top of that list, she can understand why no one would care to fill the position of street sweeper. The air tastes even staler here, too. To be outside for any longer than one needs to be is far from tempting, and Mariko has only been here for a minute. One minute, and she feels as though her senses have numbed. Everything grey, dull, and drab. Dark, bleak, dismal. Reminiscent of an old, colorless photograph from a time of war.

As that thought crosses her mind, Mariko fixes her gaze on a flickering lamp light not far from the entrance gate. Then she realizes — it isn't artificial light at all. It's a fire. A small, flickering fire protected by a transparent wind guard. Even more miraculous how it's still burning. If anything, it's some form of reassurance that there must be someone who has tended to it recently.

She thinks so at first, anyway, but as if summoned by her inquisitive stare alone, a powerful gust of wind sweeps across the street in Mariko's direction and snuffs out that same flame. Not a second passes and it springs into existence again. Her mouth falls open slightly in amazement, but as a cough starts to crawl up her throat, she quickly closes it again.

Boey saw it too. He shudders. "Maybe...we should come back when it's...friendly day time...?"

"I don't believe there's such a thing here," Soleil says without hesitation. She peers into the distance where a thin layer of fog still obscures the horizon. "Lotus has never been to Hollowmire either, but he's heard much about it from Jugo. This is...Hollowmire's plight, if I'm to understand correctly. A rarity of lasting sunlight has poisoned their perception of the mere concept of daytime. We would have an equal chance of catching them no matter what hour we visited."

"Well, good thing we're only here for one of 'em," Sebastian points out.

Soleil offers a slow nod. She's distracted still, likely by something that sits amidst that fog, something obscured to the others. An android must have keen vision, Mariko thinks, observing Soleil's eyes as they begin to glow with a soft light. One red, the other blue. Both working hard to place the object of her intense curiosity without the need for a closer examination. On the contrary — as a spark of realization glints in her irises, the desire to move closer only grows stronger in turn. She starts to walk towards it. As do the others. In this strange and unsettling place, they would have nothing to lose in allowing Soleil to lead this time.

And straight ahead she leads them in diligence and determination, every step painting the image of an elaborate brass statue clearer and clearer. It sits in the direct center of an open space surrounded by homes in the course of deterioration, yet the statue itself remains untouched and intact by whatever chaos had passed through its midst. It depicts a man clutching what appears to be the head of a giant wolf in one hand, while the other is aimed at the sky in a display of triumph. As they close in on it, Mariko steps up to read the inscription carved into the base of the statue.

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