31 || utop.ia

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On Poyo's broad back of smooth and sturdy scales, Mariko, Boey, Soleil, Mono, and Kasey fit together, and with room to spare. And it appears of no burden at all to the great beast. Poyo bears as much strength in his gorgeous wings of red and black as he does his powerful legs, and with care and precision he balances his passengers while maintaining a steady, vertical flight. No twisting or spinning his body, or even flying nose-first into the sky and risking someone falling off the back from the momentum.

According to Kasey, Madam Servalia had thrown him from a hatch on the side of one of the aerowhale ships. The problem is, he isn't sure which one.

"It's this one!" he proclaims, but Mariko can tell he's just eager to start searching, whether it's the right ship or not. And she can't blame him. Even if the assumption is wrong, they could very well encounter the forces responsible for all this and take care of them right off the bat. After all, there has to be some reason for the ships traveling together, and in such close proximity. It's just the two. But there used to be more. Mariko is certain of it — whether the others simply vanished without explanation, or the rest of them were real whales and fled for their own safety, the fact remains that they're gone now. Meaning Servalia and the rest of the angels could only be one of two places. Unfortunately these airships are even more massive up close than Mariko could have ever imagined. A gargantuan beast of a creation, much like real blue whales, though the silver sheen of its "skin" and her own reflection casted upon it strikes down that innocent fascination. They are machines. Made by human hands to serve a purpose.

As Poyo soars along the floating steel wall in search of an opening, Mariko's eyes trail the passing blur of her own face. The air up here is warm, the wind even warmer as it sweeps and folds over them like flames from a furnace. Mariko clenches her jaw. Every muscle tightens. Within seconds of reaching the same altitude of the ships, her ears fill with the loud hum of whatever complex amalgamation of mechanisms keeps these metal beasts operating. It is...somewhat terrifying. Although she would never admit it. Once they get inside, she's sure it won't be as bad. But that, in itself, would seem an obstacle. With no visible doors or accessible hatches they can use to board the ship, Soleil arrives at the swift conclusion that their best option is to create their own. It's likely the ones responsible for this operation closed off all entry points, anyway, including the one Kasey was thrown out of to begin with. Knocking politely on the front door would do them no good.

At Kasey's command, Poyo touches down on the right wing of the aerowhale, close to the body of the ship. Everyone climbs off one by one. Mono collapses to his knees immediately.

"Oh, ohhhh, I remember now why I never come to Arumathia," he whispers, voice trembling as he tries to scrape at the ground just for something to grasp. "This is against nature. The sky is no place for a fox..."

"You did good, Mono," Mariko is quick to assure him. With her feet touching the solid surface of the ship, she feels steadier already. She leans down to pat Mono on the back. "Look, Soleil's gonna crack open the ship for us. We'll be inside any second now."

"What is it, an egg??"

With the exception of the disturbed Mono, all eyes turn expectantly to Soleil as she approaches the ship's body. She removes her jacket without a word and ties the sleeves around her waist. Moments later, her right arm assumes the form of a glowing blue saber, crackling with electricity as the hum of its energy blends with that of the airship. Soleil drives her weapon straight through its side. It pierces the wall effortlessly.

"Like a hot butter through knife," says Kasey, watching in awe.

"Um," says Mariko, but she decides not to correct him. Soleil's speedy progress steals her attention back, anyway. Within seconds, she's cut a large, rectangular shape into the hull, outlined by a path of blue light that trails her blade's movements. Once she finally retracts her arm, Soleil takes but one step backward, then delivers a powerful kick to the direct center of the shape she cut. The chunk of metal falls inside the ship with a loud thump.

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