49 || remember to remember

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Mariko feels the weight of a blanket over her body, the press of a mattress against her back. Of warmth and of comfort, a safe space envelops her. She lies, half-conscious, breathing in the scent of sweet flowers for a while before she realizes she's awake at all. Before she remembers.

She opens her eyes, careful and slow. The light stings a bit. And there's quite a bit of it now, pouring in through the wide glass window across the room. The shadow of a large potted plant in front of the windowsill is cast on the plush carpet floor. Mariko blinks and rubs her eyelids. It's a familiar sight. As her vision adjusts to the pleasant, pastel color scheme of the furniture and decorative arrangements, she knows very well where she is.

She glances towards the bedside table. Someone left a bouquet for her. One with bright orange marigolds and white gypsophila, practically bursting from a vase much too small to fit them all comfortably. Either someone was in a great rush to put it all together, or they got carried away adding to the bunch without much thought for the space it would be filling. There's a note attached to the vase as well. Tied around the neck with a red string, it hangs open just slightly. Mariko lifts the flap open the rest of the way to read what's written inside.


To: Lady Mariko

The sun rises on another day! I hope you slept well, my friend. I left a change of clothes for you next to your bed, so whenever you're up for it, I would love for you to join us in the main hall. The outfit is custom-made — just a little gift to you. I know you will look just lovely in it.

The heart of Paracosia beats with yours, Lady Mariko. We breathe this air together.

What a wonderful feeling.

Yours Truly,
Prince Lotus
P.S. I do apologize for the unprofessional nature of the arrangement; I allowed Mr. Galac a bit of creative liberty...


The corners of her mouth are curved upward before she can finish reading. She knows it in her heart that it's the real Prince Lotus this time. She looks to her right, and there, just as the prince said, is his gift to her. A neatly folded set of clothes, just waiting to be worn by the one they were tailored for.

She climbs out of bed to hold each piece up, one by one, and observe them for the works of art that they are. First, a blouse, a pleasant cream color with its transparent sleeves embroidered with leaf designs, starting at the forearm and covering down to the cuffs. A green ribbon hangs around the collar. As they catch light from the window, the flower-shaped buttons sparkle like gemstones. Stunning. And it feels like pure royalty on her skin. The second piece is a pair of sailor pants, a warm shade of green with white cuffs that fall just short of her ankles. Up and down each of the sides of the pants are embroidered vines, much like the ones Lotus himself wears. The brown belt he left on top of them matches the color of Mariko's boots perfectly – though she's sure that isn't just a coincidence. Finally, there's a beret to match the color of the pants. Mariko places it atop her head and stands in front of the full-body mirror beside the bed.

She feels...beautiful. To see it all on herself, and to think that someone made it all with her in mind.

Satisfied, Mariko makes her way over to the door. She hesitates as she wraps her fingers around the handle. Claude said he would grant her enough time to say goodbye. Though a bittersweet notion on the surface, Mariko already feels herself leaning more towards the sweet side of it. It's not a hopeless situation anymore. In fact, she couldn't be more filled with hope.

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