37 || the underground work

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Lotus can be pretty stubborn at times. The second Soleil, Mariko, and Abe prepare to head out for some more private place to talk, the prince puts his foot down just forcefully enough to convince them to come back to the Greenhouse Manor with him. He promises not to hang over their shoulders, if it really is privacy they want, but if they were to all up and leave again so soon after their return, he swears his heart will lose another petal. Mariko can't quite tell if he's exaggerating – or, what exactly it means, for that matter, if it's just an expression. One thing is for sure, though, and that is that the prince thrives on the expression of hospitality. Only so many times could he endure rejection before he would 'wither away...'

That part Mariko is sure is an exaggeration. But still, he must be terribly lonely.

"Our second-floor balcony is the perfect place for fresh air and inspiring night views," Lotus tells them, not long after the police carriage dropped them off at the manor. "Clear glimpse of the rear garden, and – oh! I need to let Elise know; we'll need one more chair if it's going to be the three of you. There's just one small table out there now, but I suppose that's all you'll need if you aren't doing any serious arts and crafts – ah! If you do want to, though, we do have some woodcarving and painting tools on hand, should the brilliant nightlife compel your hearts and inspire you to take up a brush – Warden knows I can't paint anything but sunflowers, but a man can dream of weaving somber sunsets at the tip of his bristles..."

It takes a bit of effort on Soleil's part to ease the prince's rambling. While they may have agreed to his generous offer, they still do have important business to discuss. That wasn't a lie. It pains her, but the idle chatter would have to be put on a temporary hold. 'Perhaps you could take a much-needed nap in the meantime,' Soleil suggests to him. But of course, Lotus declines. 'How could I, when I have beloved guests under my roof?? Nay, I'll be a bustling fool till I shrivel up like a sun-dried tomato. You can count on it. Speaking of that, mercy, do I need more sun, I wake up paler every morning...'

Deep down, Mariko can tell Soleil would love to just sit around listening to him talk all day. She would, too, in all honesty. If only their circumstances were just a little different right now. Then there could be four chairs out here, instead of just three. Two cups of tea, instead of just the one, which Lotus delivered to Mariko personally mere moments ago – full of honey, of course. He didn't forget.

She takes a quiet sip. It's good. This ornate, rose-patterned cup he served it in is quite lovely, too.

"Forgive me for straying from the topic again, but what a breathtaking atmosphere this place has..." Abe fails to mask his smile as she stares out over the balcony railing. Soleil has been doing the same since they stepped out here. She remains standing, leaning against that railing, despite the chair Elise brought out for her.

"I agree," she soon adds, rubbing her fingers over the now exposed skin on her forearms. Lotus took her jacket the last time he popped his head outside. Unprompted, he insisted he would have it cleaned and ready for her by the time she had to leave the manor. "Lotus and the staff here all pour their hearts and souls into its upkeep."

Abe gives a soft hum in agreement. "Mm. The love certainly shows. Especially compared to the cluttered, underground labs I've exclusively been traveling to as of late, my, what a breath of fresh air this is. Which...brings us back on track..."

As he clears his throat, Abe leans over to retrieve the bag from beside his chair, then places it upon his lap.

"You came to New Floravale to visit another one, didn't you?" Mariko asks, watching him remove his pocket diary from the bag.

"That I was. And I'm fortunate I was able to finish my business before my system malfunctioned..." A sigh of weary remembrance passes through his lips. "As jarring as that was, I'm quite alright now. Moreover, the two of you would seem much less so."

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