30 || shame of the angels

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There was no hope of reaching Kasey before he struck the ground. And yet, each of the six souls who witnessed his fall rushes to the nearest PIPTIA station as if with that very thought in mind. Mono gets there the fastest. Despite his initial hesitance, he makes quick use of his transformative ability to speed on ahead of the group on all fours — though it proves of little benefit, as he ends up stopping himself just before entering the travel portal on his own. Unsure of his decision until the last second. Only with Mariko's gentle encouragement does he pass through with them.

Arumathia: Outer-City Station. According to the bright blue light next to its sign, the portal is still safe for use. Fortunate for them, seeing as it would appear the closest location to where Kasey likely fell. Not to mention the portals for both of Arumathia's inner-city stations are, to Mariko's dismay, not safe for use. Two blinking red lights catch her attention just before she steps on to the other side.

A sliver of light crawls in from the outside, seeming to peer around the edges of the open doors with trepidation. It should be brighter, Mariko thinks in that moment. She remembers the bustling plaza from the last time they came here, the liveliness and energy it radiated even in the night hours. But there's no noise. No sounds coming from the outside, no voices, no anything. And again, that light is but a faint thing. Dying energy — before anyone even manages to take a step outside the station, it blinks out of existence. Now the only light they see comes from the glowing portals behind them.

Soleil takes the lead and everyone follows her out of the PIPTIA station. Mariko braces herself for a wall of blackness, a void much like the one that took the place of Wynsmith. But there's nothing like that. The plaza remains in the same state as she recalls it. Untouched, except now without life. Not a soul around that she can see, not even the once occupied enclosure of cloud salamanders that left such an impression on her. It's completely empty now. There's no one here at all.


Except Kasey. Soleil tracks him down in no time, thanks to the steady rise of mist from the angel's spot of impact. It's only a short distance from the plaza. Everyone hurries over together. Over to that faint light which in the darkness of this night, looks like a lantern, guiding their steps. Mariko holds her breath the whole way. Her heart beating faster, she feels warm from anxiety alone, and even more as the sight of Kasey's limp wings grows closer and closer. His body lies on the ground in a feeble position as he appears to be holding something tightly to his chest. Some sort of crystal, its once glowing radiance now in the last stretch of its life.

"Kasey, can you hear me??"

Soleil drops to her knees in front of him. Mariko kneels down beside her.

Kasey is conscious. Though his eyes are still squeezed shut in pain, the boy's limbs continue to twitch and tremble from the aftermath of the fall. He survived. In itself, it is unquestionably a miracle, but the forces of magic that may have protected him from death could not fully shield him from injury. Then again, for all anyone knows right now, the cut below his eye and the bruises on his bare arms could have been made before the fall. Because something definitely happened. Mariko can't help but notice the two large patches of whitened skin on either of Kasey's arms from where his golden metal bands used to be. Could they have been stolen?


At the sound of Mariko's voice, Kasey is startled into awareness, and he attempts to prop himself upright on one elbow. The crystal he was holding rolls onto the ground. He gasps.

"It's okay," Soleil warns, "just take it easy." As the boy looks at her in alarm, she takes his arm and starts to help him up, gesturing for Mariko to take the other.

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