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TW(s): Homophobia

Headcanons: Ace Tam, and any mentioned previously

Double povs (definitely not because it was too short without it...)

POV: Tam

Ugh, I'd been told I had to go to this choosing ceremony thing for the princess of Havenfield, thankfully Linh was to go with me, probably to ensure my actual arrival.

When we arrive the room is almost half full, with far too many people. Linh and I stood in the back and I shrouded ourselves in shadows. Maybe if no one sees us no one will talk to us. Linh pulls out her phone to text someone, probably her "friend" (hinting at Linhella) Marella. I watch the room, and my eyes fall on a blond boy with ice-blue eyes (eyebrow wiggle), my breath catches and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I snapped out of it and went back to watching the room, but I kept returning to the boy. I feel tempted to shadow whisper but why would I even do that? There's no way he even sees me let alone finds me attractive. No, I won't. I leave Linh to use the bathroom and once I'm done and I leave I see the blond boy is standing next to the bathroom door. (ik that's weird but shush)



"So what's a cute guy like you doing alone?"

I look around

"I'm talking about you, dumbass"

"Oh. WAIT you called me cute? and why am I a dumbass?"

"you looked around for someone else"

"well it's not every day a hot guy calls me cute"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"what? I just called you hot"

"You think I'm hot?"


"your mine now"


"yep you're my boyfriend now"


"Do you like me?"

"i- ye- yes"

"ok so you're my boyfriend now, it's not that hard" (warning don't do this irl)

Somehow I ended up being invited to the wedding of the princess of Havenfield and the princess of Everglen (doesn't even know their names). Keefe drags me into the wedding and I'm fucking blinded by the bright white at every corner. Keefe calls Fitz to come to confess to some kid named Dex.

POV: Keefe

I was invited to Sophie's choosing ceremony, and just a funny little tidbit I used to have a crush on Sophie but uh I don't anymore and recently I've liked guys far more than girls, oh yeah by the way im bi (fourth wall who's that?). I knew Fitz would be at the ceremony and Sophie had told me her best friend/cousin liked Fitz so maybe they'll end up together, which would be funny. I wonder who Sophie will choose?

I arrived a little bit before Fitz so I just kinda looked around the room and after a few rounds I finally notice the silver glow in the corner and I see a very angsty boi, dressed completely in black including black eyeliner barely visible under his bangs, and the shadows cast over them, and next to him stood a girl who looked nearly identical to him right down the silver tips. I see the boy head to the bathroom so I decided to follow him. I know I know you think that's weird but that would be the only time I can talk to him. I stand outside the door. He walks out of the bathroom.



"So what's a cute guy like you doing alone?"

he looks around as if I wasn't talking to him

"I'm talking about you, dumbass"

"Oh. WAIT you called me cute? and why am I a dumbass?"

"you looked around for someone else"

"well it's not every day a hot guy calls me cute"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"what? I just called you hot"

"You think I'm hot?"


"your mine now"


"yep you're my boyfriend now"


"Do you like me?"

"i- ye- yes"

"ok so you're my boyfriend now, it's not that hard"

I speed walk back towards the Vackers, Dex, and Sophie except once I'm back Sophie and Biana had run off to gods (hehe) knows where. Guess we know who Sophie is gonna pick.

I managed to get Tam's phone number and I texted him to invite him as my plus-one for Biana and Sophie's wedding. (the storyline is weird and I understand that)

At the wedding, Fitz doesn't show up to his own sister's wedding, and his older brother and husband are there. I call Fitz and I have to persuade him to come to the wedding. He eventually comes and after the ceremony is done Dex walks up to us. (idk why FItz didn't show but he didn't)

"Hey Guys"

"Hello" I kick Fitz "hi"

I notice Fitz's eyes drifting towards Dex and I can feel the butterflies in his stomach just by standing by him. I run over to my boyfriend

"hey hot stuff"



Tam just rubs his forehead as if he has a headache and puts earbuds in and I hear music blasting through them. (COME ON BARBIE LETS GO PARTY, no but that'd be funny if he was listening to that song)

I have no clue what I've created and that's fine

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