Della x Livvy

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TW(s): Homophobia

Headcanon(s): bi Della, Lesbian Livvy (Physic), and any mentioned previously.

I took a deep breath before heading back into the house. I had just finished a call with my best friend, who said I could stay with her.

"I want to file for a match fail." I had seen a side of him I never knew he had, I had tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. First, it was Alvar but he said it was because he had married a criminal, which seemed fair, but then Biana married her wife and he didn't even go to the wedding, and then he yelled at Fitz for having a boyfriend. I can't deal with him, thinking all that is ok even after trying to explain to him why that's wrong.

"What?" He looks at me as if I'm crazy

"I want to file for a match fail" I repeat

"Why? Is it because of, them" he responded with a disgusted look as if those kids weren't his own

"No it's because of you, and the way you're treating them, they are still our children, but you're treating them otherly"

"Because they are, they're unnatural"

I take a deep breath "There are literally multiple gay pairings over at both Sterling Stables and Havenfeild, and surely at the Sanctuary as well"

"Uh huh sure there are."

"I'm done with this conversation, I'm filing for a match fail, I'm moving out." I walk away and pack my bags and leave to go to Livvy's apartment.

"Hey Livvy, where can I sleep?"

"I have a bunk bed"

"Why do you have a bunk bed?"

"Quinnlin and I match failed and we still lived together for a bit so" she moved her hands in a jazz hands motion "bunk beds"

I chuckle "Obviously"

"Follow me" she grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall "Here you can use this closet for your stuff, and we have extra hangers. Somewhere around here... and this is your bunk" she adds with a smile, her hair shining as she turns her head and the beads in her hair catch the light.

"Ok, I have to go to the matchmakers' office to file for match fail so I'll unpack later, do you need anything while I'm down?"

"Uh nothing in Atlantis, we can visit the Mysterium later to get you a copy of the key, cause leaping crystals don't work in Atlantis and the stuff I need is mainly in the Mysterium and a few random gnome shops"

"Ok ill be right back" I head down the stairs and walk towards the giant building with the matchmakers' emblem.

"Hello miss, why are you here?"

"I'm filing for match fail"

"Alright can i have first and last names of both of you"

"Della Vacker, maiden name Kaiera and Alden Vacker"

"Alright it will be official in 3-5 business days please come back soon for your match lists"

"Alright, I will thank you"

I go back to Livvys apartment to unpack my stuff before heading to Mysterium. I call my children to let them know I've filed for a match fail as I unpack.

Livvy pops her head through the doorway "hey you ready to go?"

"Yep just putting this dress away" I hang up the dress and we leave for Mysterium, her warm hand sending tingles up my arm and butterflies in my stomach the way she always had. I had never seen anyone who had matched her beauty, her bright blue eyes shocking against her dark skin, the beads in her hair matching her painted nails, the way her smile shined, and the way her beauty looked so natural. I had always had a crush on her but I had never said a word to her. We pass a street vendor selling what looks like rainbow products, and Livvy drags me towards the vendor, "hello would you like pride flags?" The vendor asked

"We'd love some" Livvy replied pointing towards a flag with red, orange, white, light, and dark pink, "I'd like that one as well as that one" she adds pointing to a rainbow flag with a triangle of white, pink, blue, brown, and black, "would you like one Della?" Livvy asks me

"Yes I'd like a bi flag please," I ask

"Here you go you two" the vendor says as she hands us a bag with the flags in it giving us a knowing smirk. Livvy bumps into my shoulder on our walk to our first stop

"Why didn't you tell me you were bi?" She asks

"Why didn't you tell me you were lesbian?" I respond countering her question with my own

"Eh i was in denial"

"Mh yeah same"

She takes my hand again and drags me from shop to shop. Our trip ending all too soon.

770 words of Della x Livvy fanfic 

have this two ever even interacted? wait i think the books mentioned the two would talk while Quinlinn and Alden would cognate... i could be wrong

side note i didnt take my ADHD med today because i woke up at noon, i have been awake for 11 hours and this is the only productive thing i did. no thats a lie i finished a video for my YT channel (Fandom Boy)

anygays have a dam good day/night/afternoon


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