Thirteenth encounter: Weedle

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Eri lets out a small yelp as she falls backward onto something prickly. "Ow! What did I just sit on?" she says, rubbing her behind.

Marlene quickly turns around and gasps. "Eri, are you okay? Did you sit on a cactus or something?"

Ochaco Uraraka runs over to join them, looking concerned. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Eri looks up at them with a dazed expression. "No, it's okay. It's just that...this feels really nice." She reaches behind her and feels the object she's sitting on. "It's like a...a needle or something, but it's really round and smooth."

Marlene's eyes widen in recognition. "Oh! That must be one of the Weedles from the Pleasuredea region! Their needles are supposed to be pleasurable to the touch!"

Ochaco looks at them skeptically. "Really? That seems like an odd thing for a Pokemon to have as a trait."

Marlene giggles. "Well, the Pleasuredea region is known for having some very unique and unusual Pokemon."

Eri starts to move around a bit, feeling the sensation more intensely. "Wow, this is really nice! It's like a little massage!" She starts to blush a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Marlene grins mischievously. "Hey, Eri, maybe we should try to find more of these Weedles and sit on them for a while!"

Eri giggles, feeling a bit more at ease now. "That sounds like a good idea! It's like a natural way to relax."

Ochaco rolls her eyes playfully. "You two are so silly. But hey, if it makes you happy, I guess I can't argue with that."

They all start to laugh together, feeling closer than ever.

As Eri giggled and wiggled on the Weedle's head, Marlene and Ochaco couldn't help but giggle along with her. "It really does feel nice!" Eri exclaimed, her cheeks rosy with delight.

Marlene and Ochaco exchanged a playful glance before joining in on the fun. They spotted a cluster of Weedles nearby and eagerly rushed over to sit on their heads, each feeling the delightful sensation of the rounded needle.

"Ooh, this one's even better than the last!" Marlene exclaimed, bouncing on the Weedle's head.

Ochaco giggled and added, "I think this one's my favorite so far!"

Eri chimed in, "I don't think I ever want to get off of this!"

As they continued to sit and bounce on the Weedles, they playfully teased each other, trying to see who could balance the longest without falling off. They also helped each other adjust their positions, giggling and blushing as their hands brushed against each other.

Eventually, they had to part ways with the Weedles, but the memory of their playful afternoon together would stay with them forever.

Marlene, Eri, and Ochaco were having a great time playing with the Weedles they found, their little round heads feeling amazing on their butts. Cream the Rabbit, who had been watching from a distance, approached them shyly.

"Um, excuse me," Cream said softly. "I couldn't help but notice how much fun you're having. Could I maybe try it out too?"

"Of course!" Marlene said cheerfully. "We'd love to have you join us!"

Eri and Ochaco quickly helped Cream find a Weedle to sit on, giggling as they moved her around and found the perfect spot. Cream let out a happy sigh as she settled in.

"This feels so nice," Cream said dreamily.

"I know, right?" Ochaco agreed. "It's like a little massage for your butt."

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