Fourteenth encounter: Kakuna

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Eri and Marlene were having a playful day in Pleasuredea, teasing their Pokémon by wiggling their backsides. Eri was giggling and teasing her little Weedle, watching it crawl around as she playfully wiggled her butt in front of it. Marlene was doing the same with her Pidgey, and they were all having a great time.

Eri: "Come on, Weedle! Catch me if you can!"

Weedle: Crawl after Eri, making cute noises as it tries to catch up

Marlene: "Looks like your Weedle is having a hard time keeping up with you, Eri! Maybe you should slow down a bit!"

Eri: "Haha, you're right Marlene! Let's give them a break."

As Eri and Marlene sat down, they watched as Weedle started to glow and evolve into a Kakuna.

Eri: "Wow, Weedle! You're evolving! You're going to be even cuter than before!"

Kakuna: Emerges from its cocoon, bigger and stronger than before

Eri: "Aww, you're still just as cute as ever, Kakuna!"

Kakuna: Uses Harden, making Eri giggle as it nuzzles against her backside

Eri: "Hehe, that feels nice, Kakuna! You're still such a sweet little Pokémon!"

Eri continues to playfully interact with Kakuna. "Aww, Weedle, are you nuzzling my cheek because you don't like my backside?" she teases. Kakuna responds by nuzzling her backside even more, using Harden to make the experience even better for Eri. "Haha, I guess you don't mind it that much after all. Well, let me show you how soft and cute it can be!" Eri turns around and wiggles her backside playfully at Kakuna, who crawls over and nuzzles it, making Eri giggle. "Aww, you like it too! You're just too sweet. I think you like me no matter what, huh?" Kakuna responds by nuzzling her cheek again, making Eri smile. "Well, I like you too, Kakuna. You're the cutest little Pokemon ever!"

Eri giggles as she feels the Kakuna nuzzling against her, "Aww, you're such a sweetie, Kakuna!" she says in a girlish voice. The Kakuna seems to be enjoying the attention, nuzzling even closer to Eri.

Meanwhile, Marlene pouts and looks at the Kakuna with envy, "Hey, Kakuna, what about me? Don't you want to nuzzle my backside too?" she says in a playful tone, wiggling her butt in front of the Pokemon.

The Kakuna seems to be interested, but it hesitates for a moment, as if it's not sure if it should nuzzle Marlene's backside. Eri notices this and decides to help her friend out, "Come on, Kakuna! Marlene's backside is just as cute as mine, if not cuter!" she says with a smile.

Marlene blushes at the compliment and wiggles her butt even more, "Yeah, come on, Kakuna! You know you want to catch me as your newest Pokemon!" she says, trying to entice the Kakuna even further.

After a few moments of hesitation, the Kakuna finally crawls over to Marlene and starts nuzzling against her backside. Marlene lets out a happy squeal and giggles, "Aww, you like me too, Kakuna! I knew you would!" she says, petting the Pokemon's head.

Eri giggles at the sight and walks over to join in on the fun, "We're going to have so much fun with our new Pokemon members, Marlene!" she says with excitement.

Marlene nods in agreement, "Yeah, we are! Thanks for helping me catch the Kakuna, Eri. You're the best!" she says, giving her friend a hug.

Eri hugs her back and smiles, "Anytime, Marlene! We're going to be the best Pokemon trainers in Pleasuredea, just you wait and see!" she says with confidence.

The two girls continue to play with their new Pokemon members, laughing and having fun together as they explore the beautiful region of Pleasuredea.

Misty: "Hey, hold on there, you didn't capture it yet, you didn't throw a Pokeball at it!"

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